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Showing posts from November, 2005

The Christian and His Intellect

Heb. 5: 11-14: The Christian and His Intellect Itarsi, 27 November 2005 Domenic Marbaniang  Background Man is constituted of three Body      - Instinct, Sensation, and Reflexes (World-consciousness) Soul        - Intellect, Emotion, and Volition (Self-consciousness) Spirit      - Intuition, Conscience, and Communion (God-consciousness) Faculty of Knowledge: Body (Senses), Soul (Intellect), Spirit (Intuition) The Intellect receives data from the senses and intuition. It then orders them and places them in the memory of knowledge, as well as informs the various elements regarding necessary action. Elements: emotion, will, reflexes, communion. Two kinds of Intelligences: Rational Intelligence: Logical and Analytical ability, right reasoning, thinking. Emotional Intelligence: Self-control, zeal, persistence, and the ability to motivate oneself in accordance to Truth and the Good. Both kinds of intelligence are impor...

Why this Wastage?

1. When Social Service Supercedes Divine Worship Worship – Adoration, Prostration, Self-giving. Queen of England – “I’ll lay my crown at Christ’s feet if He comes here.” Ministry to the Lord is important (Acts 13.1) Service to poor should flow out of an attitude of worship of God, not out of superiority complex or religious rituality. 2. When Familiarity breeds Disrespect Remember Who HE is and Who YOU are (1 Cor. 4. 7; Phil. 3. 10) Rev. 2. 4 – left first love. Every great gift given to someone we love, adore, and regard highly is still too small. When Lust destroys Love – Jn. 12. 4 Lust dehumanizes, lust excels in flesh and wars against the spirit (Gal. 5. 17; 1 Pt. 2. 11). Gradual overpowering of lust (Heb. 3. 12-13; 12. 15-17) 3. When Envy derides Exaltation They would not have objected if she had spent it on herself or on them all. Why spend on Christ? Satanic Pride (Isa. 14) 24 Elders prostrate before Throne of God. He is worthy of all praise. She has done a beautiful thing. 1. Ka...

The Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Fruit, and the Gifts

Itarsi, 11 December 2005 |  Domenic Marbaniang Promise of the Baptism Acts 1:5, 11:16 Mt. 3.11, Mk. 1.8, Lk. 3:16: With- en (in) “in Holy Spirit and fire” avoid with in italics Baptism in since baptism = immersion not sprinkling with water or Spirit. Acts 2.38, 39: Promise to you: the immediate audience your children: the coming generations all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord our God shall call: all believers:  Jew & Gentile Since Promise, it is to be received by faith: Gal. 3: 2, 14 (promise of the Spirit is the Holy Spirit Himself; related to power - dunamis trs. as miracles in KJV - v. 5) Difference Between Baptism Into the Body and Baptism Into the Spirit BAPTISM INTO CHRIST BAPTISM INTO THE SPIRIT Baptizer Holy Spirit (1 Cor 12. 13)* Christ (Mt 3.11, Mk 1.8, Lk. 3.16) Element The Church (Body Of Christ) The Holy Spirit, Fire Purpose Salvation Power, Witness Spirit Work Regenerative Work (Tit.3.5, Jn 3.5) Empowering Work (Acts 1...