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Showing posts from December, 2011

The 7 Letters of Revelation: #6 PHILADELPHIA- HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT (Rev.3:7-13) - FAITH

Rev.3:7-13 Philadelphia was a Faithful Church Rev.3:8: She had LITTLE STRENGTH but Kept the Word It doesn't matter if the strength is small; His Grace is Sufficient His strength is made perfect in our weaknesses Mustard seed faith can remove mountains Persistent blows can crack great rocks Gideon considered himself the least (Jdg.6:11), but with 300 men, by the help of God, he won a great battle (Jdg.7:7) Rev.3:12 - Will be kept from trial - Will be a Pillar in God's Temple - Will receive Name of the City

The 7 Letters of Revelation: #5 SARDIS- Negligence Destroys Intelligence (Rev.3:1-6) - WATCHFULNESS

Rev.3:1-6 Sardis was a Careless Church Negligence Destroys Intelligence 1. They had a name "Alive", but were dead 2. They had works, but the works were not perfect 3. Jesus said that if this continued, when He comes, they will not know.... A. A Negligent Christian is a Fool 5 Foolish Virgins - negligent about the oil, negligent about the time of the groom (1Thess 5:2,4) B. A Negligent Christian is Not Diligent The Diligent - Constant in effort to accomplish something - Attentive and persistent in doing anything - Someone who works in a careful and thorough way (Prov.10:4; 22:29; 2Pet.3:14) C. A Negligent Christian is Indisciplined 1Cor.9:27; 2Tim.2:1-5

The 7 Letters of Revelation: #4 THYATIRA- Lack of Authority Destroys Integrity (Rev.2:18-27) - AUTHORITY & SUBMISSION

Rev.2:18-27 Thyatira - The Corrupt Church. The city was famous for dyeing. Lack of Authority Destroys Integrity Rev.2:19. Jesus always began with a positive note. He got something to praise about, but He introduces Himself as the Judge (Rev.2:18) Rev.2:23,24: Division: Judgment on Jezebel. No burden on others. But they were responsible because they allowed (Rev.2:20) Jezebel in the Church - Rebel 1. She was a Stranger to God ("that woman") 2. She was a self-made, self-declared prophetess 3. She was a teacher-seducer of God's servants (deception) 4. She was unrepentent (Rev.2:21). She crossed the deadline of repentance. 5. Her doom was pronounced. Submission to authority is important. (Num.16:1; 1Sam.15:22-23)

The 7 Letters of Revelation: #3 PERGAMOS- One Dead Fish Pollutes the Pond (Rev.2:12-17) - PURITY

Rev. 2:12-17 Pergamos was a Compromising Church. The city was a head quarter of Satan. One Dead Fish Pollutes the Pond Balaam's Error: Tolerated Beware of 3 Polluting Elements 1. The Old Leaven. The leaven of malice and wickedness. The leaven of tolerated sin (1Cor.5:7) 2. The Root of Bitterness. The bitter root of unbelief (Selling Birthright) (Heb.12:15) 3. The Garment Spotted by Flesh. The garment covering of carnality (Jude 1:23) Smyrna: Satan's Synagogue Pergamos: Satan's Dwelling Place, Throne Warning: Rev.2:16; 1Cor.3:16 Promise: Hidden Manna, Hidden Name on White Stone (Not parchment, which Pergamos was known for).

The 7 Letters of Revelation: #2 SMYRNA- The Bold Get the Crown (Rev.2:8-11) - COURAGE

Rev.2:8-11 Smyrna was a Persecuted Church. It was where Polycarp was leader and was martyred in 155 AD The Letter exhorts Smyrna Church to be Courageous The Bold Get the Crown The Kingdom of God is Taken by the Aggressive Courage is the Virtue of the Warrior. He Never Turns Back. There is no armor for the back. Matt.11:12; Dan.11:32; Prov.28:1; 2Tim.1:7 7 Reasons Why We Must Be Courageous 1. He is the First and the Last: A & Z Your beginning and your end are in Him. The battle belongs to the Lord. He is in control 2. He Conquered Death and Came to Life Death shall not have dominion: Where is your sting, power, O Death? 3. He Keeps a Record of Your Suffering ("I Know....") (Ps. 56:8; Job 23:8) 4. He Keeps a Record of What You're Going to Suffer (Rev.2:10) (Acts 9:16) 5. He Wants Us to Pass the Tests (TESTED) Don't give up midway (Heb.10:32-39) 6. He Wants to Give Us the Crown of Life  Second Death Can't Hurt. 7. It's His Command (Eph.6:10)

The 7 Letters of Revelation: #1 EPHESUS: Your Affections Affect Your Destiny (Rev.2:1-7) - LOVE

You are responsible for your affections (2Cor.6:12) 7 Incredible Facts Revealed by Jesus (Rev.2:2,3) 1. You can be an  active  Christian and yet be a failure. (works) 2. You can be a laborious Christian and yet be a failure. (labor) 3. You can be a patient  Christian and yet be a failure. (patience) 4. You can be a righteous  Christian and yet be a failure. (cannot bear those who are evil) 5. You can be a wise and discerning  Christian and yet be a failure. (tested those who say they are apostles...) 6. You can be a perseverant  Christian and yet be a failure. (have persevered) 7. You can be a tireless  Christian and yet be a failure. (have not become weary) 3 Facts About Love 1. Love is the key that opens the heart of God (Jn.14:23; 2Cor.6:12) When God measures a man, He puts the tape around his heart - not around his head. - Guideposts 2. Love is the wall that keeps the enemy out (Song 4:12) 3. Love is the stronghold of victory already got. Love God...

God Cannot Be Doubted, He Is In Control - A Short Story

The jailer pushed the youth into his prison cell with utter disgust. The youth had been convicted for attempt to rape, a serious crime, and even more serious when committed in the premises of a government official’s residence. From their cells, the other prisoners gazed at the youth with astonishment and contempt. He snuggled into a corner. There were whisperings and comments in tones and terms that would send chills down the spine. And, they continued for long and long till the heavy rug of the night dampened all sight and sound. After a while, only the guards could be heard walking with their spears tapping on the ground. The taps were being mixed with rhythmic snores buzzing through the cells. In his locked corner, the youth sobbed with hushed tears. He groaned in between snivels in a language different than that spoken in this land: “Why is this happening to me?” “What have I done to deserve this injustice?” “Now, I’m hated by my family and also by the world for no wrong?” The worl...

Your Attitude Should Be The Same As That Of Christ Jesus (Phil 2:5)

"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus" (Phil 2:5) Attitudes are our disposition towards someone or something. Our attitudes affect our character and relationships. Attitudes are important; they can either make a person or break him. Some years back a research was done on job interviewees who were successful in getting a job. The research revealed that the majority of those who got the jobs got them not because they were smart but because they had a right attitude. The Bible teaches us that God wants us to have the attitude of Christ. He left for us an example of how we must look at and treat our fellowmen, our children, our elders, and God. Jude 10-11 lists three kinds of attitudes that can destroy the life of any person. Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals--these are the very things that destroy them. Woe to them! They have taken the way of Cain; th...

Boredom - Excerpt

Excerpt from Epistemics of Divine Reality , pp.211-212 Boredom or ennui may be considered to be the metaphysical turbulent emotion that arises out of the paradox of the rational sense of immutability and the empirical sense of mutation. Reason anticipates permanence, changelessness, and immutability as the quality of ultimate reality; however, for experience immutability is an impossibility. Nothing immutable is empirically conceivable; for if something doesn’t move in space, it at least moves in time. The tension between the immutable and the mutable produces the emotion of ennui, the sense of tediousness and vexation associated with the absence of immutable or lasting purpose in the cosmic phenomena of change. Boredom is not due to immutability or mutability but due to the failure of harmony between the both. Thus, one is not bored with the same self, that experiences change. No one expects the consciousness of self to be filled with multiple memory-erasures of itself…. Obviously, th...

4 Pillars of Spiritual Instruction

Spiritual Instruction must be a part of every home in order for each family to be strong. Following are the four pillars of Spiritual Instruction: 1. Sound Doctrine This is the RULE OF TRUTH. It provides the RIGHT PERSPECTIVE in life. Titus 2:1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine. 2Timothy 1:13 Hold fast the form of sound words, which you have heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus. 2Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 2. Strong Discipline This is the RULE OF PATIENCE. It produces STRONG CHARACTER. Proverbs 12:24 The hand of the diligent shall bear rule: but the slothful shall be under tribute. Proverbs 22:29 Seest thou a man diligent in his business? he shall stand before kings; he shall not stand before mean men. Proverbs 19:18 Discipline your son while there is hope; do not set your heart on his destruction. Proverbs 22:1...

New Release: A Dialogue on Trinity

A Dialogue on Trinity By Domenic Marbaniang View this Author's Spotlight Ebook, EPUB Format Download immediately 13-Year Madeleine approaches her dad, Rev. Clarke, for answer to a question on Trinity and a dialogue ensues. They begin by discussing problems of consciousness and personality in the Three persons of the Godhead and proceed on to evaluate various theories, models, and views on the doctrine before finally evaluating the concept of "Unity" in Zeno's paradoxes and in the Priestly prayer of Jesus in John 17.

A Tale of Something, or Nothing, and God

In the beginning was God and nothing. Then, God created something out of nothing. But, soon that something forgot she was once a nothing. And, forgetting herself and God, she assumed herself to be everything. And, assuming herself to be everything, she died to everything else and God. After many days, when this something had run out of everything she got, She came to her senses and "Who am I? Where am I?" she thought. Then, she realized she was a nothing without her God, And so returned to her original place in God. In the end was God and something.