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Showing posts from June, 2012

The Ant is Superior to Man!

"Many people nowadays are apt to boast of our great civilization and of the wonders of science. Science has indeed done wonders. is well to remember that in many ways man has not made very great progress from the other animals. It may be that in certain ways some animals are superior to him still. We look down upon the insects as almost the lowest of living things, and yet these tiny things have learnt the art of cooperation and of sacrifice for the common good far better than man. If mutual cooperation and sacrifice for the good of society are the tests of civilization, we may say that the White Ant and the Ant are in this respect superior to man." - Jawaharlal Nehru "Go to the ant, O sluggard, Observe her ways and be wise." (Prov.6:6)

A Dozen Mirrors Wouldn't Do - Poem

You glance at the panes While walking on the lanes, To catch of you a picture, To be certain of how you do. You gaze at your reflection On every polished section To read your face in some mirror Thinking a dozen mirrors will finally do. Some mirrors are false, Some mirrors are true, Some mirrors inflate, Some deflate you. Some think you’re a class, Some think you look like a fool, Some make you feel elate, Some try to disintegrate you. Why bother what the mirrors say, o man? Why bother what they tell about you? Each surface has its own interpretation, Each owing to its own personal hue. Know yourself, grow up, o man! Stop looking at what the world thinks of you. Look in the eyes of your Creator, they’re there! A dozen mirrors wouldn’t do.

The Unique Christ - I (Poem)

I The Song of the Lamb I hear many voices say “I am the Shepherd, come to me!” But, I know they’re all just thieves, my Shepherd they can’t be. The voice of my Shepherd is soft and gentle, The voice of my Shepherd is kind and meek. His steps I know when He’s close by the lintel, He’s the Door of my pen, the rest are thieves. My Shepherd leads me on mountains and valleys, My Shepherd leads me to pastures green. My Shepherd is my one and only In whose arms I’d always want to lean. The wolf had pounced one day from the thickets, The hirelings all fled fearing for their lives; My Shepherd ran t’wards me to save me, He fought the wolf counting not His life. My Shepherd loves me, and I am wordless! My Shepherd calls me, and I know His voice!

Magic and Religion in Rational, Empirical, and Revelational Theologies

Summary: Rational Theologies see magic as a form of experience and so dismiss it as the far lesser real. Man is God. Empirical Theologies usually combine magic with religion and construct theories whereby powers can be tapped by humans who have access to the secret science. Men can become gods. Revelational Theologies usually see magic as anti-divine. Man is not neither can be God. Magic in Rational Theology Arguments based on Gaudapada’s Karika from Epistemics of Dicine Reality (2009) “…reason lacks any synthetic (empirically demonstrable) way by which it can be proven that something can be created by someone out of nothing. The only cases where such creation out of thin air is seen are in magic or the conjurer’s trick. But the result of such creation is illusory and unreal and proof of the doctrine of non-dualism which states that phenomenon is illusory or unreal.” (pp.90-91) “The phenomenal world is called real only in the same way that an elephant conjured up by magic is called rea...