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Showing posts from January, 2013

The Rational Anticipation Principle and the Doctrine of Trinity

The third criterion of Revelation in Indian philosophy is Rational Anticipation (Hiriyanna: Indian Philosophy); the first two being the principle of not-this-worldly (alaukika) and the principle of non-contradiction (abadhita; i.e. revelation must not contradict known facts). The question is whether the doctrine of Trinity meets the principle of Rational Anticipation? We'll quickly look at two arguments to check out the same. 1. The Argument from the Possibility of Knowledge a. If God exists, He must be an intelligent being (or else, intelligence is an accident and truth is impossible- but, to say truth is impossible is to contradict self; therefore, truth exists and has its eternal ground in God). b. Intelligence involves Knowledge and Knowledge involves a Subject-Object distinction. c. Eternal intelligence must involve eternally a Subject-Object distinction. d. This distinction must be internal and eternal (since, nothing can be infinite and eternal outside the Godhead - God is ...

Example Vs Illustration & Their Use in Theological Discussion

The term "example" comes the French essemple and the Latin exemplum , which meant "a sample" or an instance of a thing. An example belongs to the same kind of the thing being discussed. For instance, if I go to a shop and ask him what rice qualities he got, he'll show me samples (examples) from different bags. In theological discussion, it is important to make a difference between examples and illustrations. Examples qualify as evidences and proofs of a subject; however, illustrations are not proofs; they only help understand (throw light upon, illustrate) an idea or concept. Thus, there are no examples of God's existence except God Himself. There is also no example of the Trinity except the Trinity. We can find some illustrations that help us understand these in some way, but the illustrations are not to be regarded as exemplary proofs (that is, to argue that since the illustration is possible, therefore, the doctrine is also possible). In such discussions...

The Lord of the Sabbath (Mark 2:28

"You shall keep My Sabbaths and reverence My sanctuary: I am the LORD." (Lev. 26:2) "The Son of Man is also Lord of the Sabbath." (Mark 2:28) The Sabbath Law was very important in the Old Testament. We see, at least, four reasons behind its institution: 1. A CREATION BASIS "For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it." (Exo. 20:11). In the New Testament, whenever Jesus wanted to point at a Law that was valid, He referred to Genesis, the beginning. For instance, He argued that the original marital institution didn't permit divorce by referring to the Genesis account. "They said, "Moses permitted a man to write a certificate of divorce, and to dismiss her." And Jesus answered and said to them, "Because of the hardness of your heart he wrote you this precept. But from the beginning of the creation, God ...

The Constitution

After FREEDOM, the Constitution came and defined our: 1. FORM - The word "Constitution" itself speaks of form and identity. The Constitution declared the nature, form, and identity of the nation. It answered questions like "What is this nation?" "What is its form?" "Who is its citizen?" "Who are the officials?" ___________ From the Wikipedia In India, Republic Day honours the date on which the Constitution of India came into force replacing the Government of India Act 1935 as the governing document of India on 26 January 1950. The date of 26 January was chosen to honour the declaration of independence of 1930 at Lahore. The new Constitution of India, as drafted and approved by the Constituent Assembly of India, was mandated to take effect on January 26, 1950, to commemorate the 1930 declaration. On that day in 1950, India became a republic.... India achieved independence from British rule on 15 August 1947 following the Indian independ...

Breastplate of Righteousness (Ephesians 6:14)

The Roman army was known for its strength, its order, and discipline. For centuries it stood impenetrable and invincible, and had successfully conquered kingdoms, crushed revolutions, and controlled provinces with an iron fist. The Roman military personal equipment itself bore the hallmark of order and discipline and its standard patterns and uses came to be known as the res militaris or disciplina . The very military structure of the Roman forces and ranks has been a matter of deep interest for centuries now. The disciplined maneuvering and formation techniques that they developed have cast an immense impact on the history of military warfare strategy. They had the Testudo or Tortoise Formation , for instance, in which ranks of soldiers would stick closer to each other and raise their shields above and around them forming an impenetrable shell of protection from the fiery missiles that would come sizzling down on them from the enemy at a distance. However, when they got into hand-to...

Welcome Speech - Commencement Exercise (Graduation) 2012

HONORABLE PRESIDENT, Matron, Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Board of FPCGI, Board of PCG Itarsi, Dear Pastors, Guests, Colleagues, Delegates and all Friends. I count it a privilege once again this year to stand and welcome you to another Commencement Service of Central India Theological Seminary. The goal of education is the acquisition and discovery of truth. Jesus declared to Pilate His mission as being a witness to the truth. Of course, Pilate was not in a position to accept such a position as worthwhile; for brute force and wisdom are two different worlds. History is witness to the fact that brute force has often tried to silence the voice of wisdom; while the purpose of wisdom has always been to introduce order into a world full of chaos. The word is supposed to calm the storms. Man lost that power when he fell from truth and disobeyed God’s word. But, the Word of God Himself incarnated as man and men marveled that even the winds and the storms obeyed His word. They obeyed, not just...

The Wheat & the Weed (Matt.13:24-43)

Itarsi, 30 August, 2008. TEXT: Matthew.13:24-43 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; "but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. "But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. "So the servants of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?' "He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Do you want us then to go and gather them up?' "But he said, 'No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 'Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn." ' " Another parable He put forth to them...

Blessings of Abiding in Christ (John 15)

1. PURIFIED HEART "Every [branch] that bears fruit He prunes, that it may bear more fruit. You are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you." (John 15:2,3) 2. PRODUCTIVE LIFE "I am the vine, you [are] the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing." (John 15:5) 3. PRAYERS ANSWERED "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you." (John 15:7) 4. PROVEN DISCIPLESHIP "By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples." (John 15:8) 5. PROXIMATE RELATIONSHIP "As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father's commandments and abide in His love." (John 15:9-10) 6. PERFECTED JOY "These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and [that] your joy may b...

You Are the Light of the World (Matthew 5:14)

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:14-16) Often, the temptation in life is to try to run away from people. Someone would say, "I can do ministry; only if there were no people!" But, ministry and people are connected; it is impossible to separate both. Jesus Himself came to serve, not to be served. There would be someone else who might say, "Only if I could just run away to a new place and then it would be wonderful." Yes, you should run to many new places, as the Lord opens doors; but, do not despise the place you are in right now. Every candle has its own stand. Of course, sometimes, especially when it is dark, we have to carry our candle from one place to anoth...

Abstaining from Eating Blood

In the Jerusalem Council, mentioned in Acts 15:20, one of the things that the apostles by the Holy Spirit made mandatory to abstain from was eating of blood. The Old Testament commandment applied even in the New Testament. God gave two reasons for abstaining from blood (Leviticus 17:11): 1. Life is in the blood, so we are prohibited to eat blood. That life is in the blood is a scientific fact that has not changed even today. So, the law applies. 2. God had given it to us upon the altar to make atonement for our souls, for it is blood that makes atonement for the soul, the Bible says. In the New Testament, God did just that, He offered His blood on the Altar. The blood belongs to the altar exclusively, and so we are called to abstain from it.

KEYS that KEEP (Psalm 25:12,15)

There are two keys that will keep us safe in the Kingdom of God. They must be the ones that ultimately rule our inner life. FEAR of God (End of Emotions) Fear of God is the goal and end of emotions that God has given us. Psalm 25:12 says, "Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him." In other words, God can only show the way that He has prepared for a person if that person is one who has fearful respect and reverence for God. If a person despises and disregards the authority of God over his life, then God cannot lead him anywhere; because such a man has no place for God in his heart. To fear God is nothing but to respect the authority of God over one's life. The fear of God safeguards our emotional life. FAITH in God (End of Logic) Faith in God is the goal and end of reason and logic that God has made us capable of. The Psalmist confesses in Psalm 25:15: "My eyes are ever on the LORD, for only He will release my feet fro...

सुखी परिवार के सात लक्षण

  परमेश्‍वर चाहता है कि हमारा परिवार सुखी हो। आज हम सुखी परिवार के सात लक्षण देखेंगे , लेकिन इसका मतलब यह नही की लक्षण सात ही है। जैसे जैसे आप और नई बातें सीखेंगे आप इसमें जोडते जाएं। निम्‍न बिन्‍दुओं पर गौर करें। संक्षिप्‍त में विवरण भी दिए गएं है। 1. स्‍नेह परिवार में स्‍नेह भावना आवश्‍यक है। परमेश्‍वर चाहता है कि परिवार ही स्‍नेह का सर्वोत्‍तम स्‍थान बनें। जब परिवार में इसकी कमी होती है तो सदस्‍य घर से बाहर स्‍नेह की तालाश करते है जिसके कारण परिवार की मजबूती ज्‍यादा नही रह पाती है। 2. समझ आपसी मतभेद के बावजूद एक दूसरे को समझने का प्रयास करना अतिआवश्‍यक है। कई बार सदस्‍य एक दूसरे पर दोश लगाने लगते है कि वे समझते नही या ये समझते नही। दोश लगाने से कुछ भला नही होता। समझ प्रेम और विश्‍वास का बंधन है। 3. समर्पण परिवार मे लक्ष्‍य एवं समर्पण की भावना होना चाहिए। समर्पण आपसी हो और लक्ष्‍य पर केंद्रित हो। यहोशु को याद करे जिसने कहा कि वह अपने घराने समेत ईश्‍वर की सेवा करेगा। समर्पण एवं कर्तव्‍य निष्‍ठा साथ साथ चलते है। घर के अध्‍यक्ष का परिवार के लिए कुछ लक्ष्‍य रखें है। ईश्‍वर भी जगत मे...

मसीही आचार संहिता

परिवार में माता-पिता के लिए निर्देश 1. अपने बच्‍चे को प्रोत्‍साहित करें “ हे बच्चेवालों , अपने बालकों को तंग न करो , न हो कि उन का साहस टूट जाए ” (कुलु 3:21) उनके साहस को न तोडें। उन्‍हें उदास , हताश , चिडचिडा ,  छोटा , नीचा , या घटिया मेहसूस होने न दें। उन्‍हें अच्‍छी अच्‍छी वस्तुऐं दें , जैसा हमारा पिता परमेश्‍वर भी हमें प्रेम से सारी वस्‍तुऐं देता है। (लूका 11:11-13) 2. जब बच्‍चे जवान है तभी उन्‍हें अनुशासन सिखादें । “ जबतक आशा है तो अपने पुत्र को ताड़ना कर , जान बूझकर उसका मार न डाल ” (नीति 19:18) अनुशासन की शिक्षा देना प्रेम की ही निशानी है ” ( इब्रा 12: 6:10) 3. प्रभु की शिक्षा , और चितावनी देते हुए , उन का पालन- पोषण करो। और हे बच्चेवालों अपने बच्चों को रिस न दिलाओ परन्तु प्रभु की शिक्षा , और चितावनी देते हुए , उन का पालन- पोषण करो।। (इफि 6:4)   - उन्‍हें शिक्षा दें “ लड़के को शिक्षा उसी मार्ग की दे जिस में उसको चलना चाहिये , और वह बुढ़ापे में भी उस से न हटेगा। ” (नीति 22:6) “ और बालकपन से पवित्र शास्त्रा तेरा जाना हुआ है , जो तुझे मसीह पर विश्वास करने से उद्धार प्र...