In Green, Arab World The Biblical pointer to the Kings of the East (Rev.16:12) arising in the last days has been often interpreted as fulfilled in the rise of the far-east nations such as China and Japan, but while Sinim (China) has been used once in Isaiah 49:12, the phrase "of the east" in the Bible usually refers to the nations of Iraq, Iran, and Arabia; no doubt, these are the nations where beheadings are most prominent, and these are also the avowed enemies of Israel. Sam Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" may not be baseless after all, though he has identified at least 3 blocks, the Asiatic, the Islamic, and the Western. But, it seems more cogent that "of the east" refers to the Islamic nations where not only Israel is hated but also conversion to Christianity is a death-penalty. Yet, the phrase doesn't rule out any far-eastern nation that is averse to the Christian faith and is anti-semitic as well, for "east" remains "east...