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A Mother's Heart for Her Son - Proverbs 31

Chapter 31 of Proverbs is one of the only collections of motherly instructions recorded in history. Tradition regards King Lemuel (meaning "belonging to God)  as being King Solomon, in which case the mother would certainly be Bathsheba. However, some even think Lemuel might have been a King of a neighbouring kingdom called Massa. Whatever be the issues related to the background, the wisdom of this chapter is priceless, a final strike that puts the nail of Proverbs into its proper place for a man born to be a leader. Following is a gist of this treasure of wisdom from a mother's heart to her son:

Pro 31:2 What, my son?
        And what, son of my womb?
        And what, son of my vows? 

Lemuel's mother has a dream and a vision for her son. That is one reason why verse 1 records "the prophecy that his mother taught him". It is a prophetic instruction. It is possible that this prophetic instruction was given long before Lemuel actually became a king; in which case, her referring to Lemuel as a king may also be regarded as prophetic.

A godly mother dreams a godly and great future for her kids. She raises them in the fear of the Lord and brings them up as future and next generation leaders.

Pro 31:3 Do not give your strength to women, 
        Nor your ways to that which destroys kings. 
Pro 31:4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel, 
        It is not for kings to drink wine, 
        Nor for princes intoxicating drink...


A wise son keeps off from attractions, affections, interests, causes, and things that are destructive to the mind. 
Verses 4-9 lists why one must keep off from ungodly sexual behavior, drugs, and affairs of indulgence.
a. Wine and any thing of indulgence takes over the memory, so that one forgets the Law of God. 
Remember Gehazi who fell to greed and forgot that his master, Elisha, was a prophet who could tell what the king spoke in his chambers. The moment of indulgence is at the expense of the memory of the eternal.
b. Carnality perverts and distorts justice.
An indulgent person is not able to make a difference between good and evil. It is like a man who just ate a very sweet thing and so is unable to find a cup of tea sweet anymore.

3. THE MARKS OF A VIRTUOUS WIFE (verses 10-31)
a. A Man's Greatest Wealth is His Virtuous Wife. She is far precious than rubies (v10)
b. The heart of her husband safely trusts her. She only brings good in his life (v11, 12).
c. She is diligent in work not just of house keeping, but has the wisdom to make provision for the family (vv.13-22). Diligence, Discretion, Dauntlessness (Fearlessness), Generosity.... She doesn't waste her time over unproductive matters
d. Her husband has a strong reputation and has influence in society (v23)
e. She is known for her words of wisdom, for right and valuable instruction (Never is any kind of gossip or talebearing seen in her; she has no time for pleasure chats). Also, her words are kind and words that bring healing to lives (v26)
f. She cares for her family and works diligently. Idleness is a term that doesn't appear in her dictionary of life. She works day and night and turns every moment into something that blesses her family (v27)
g. Her children call her blessed and her husband praises her. They are her testimonials (v28)
h. She excels above all (v29)
i. She fears the Lord and is known for this (v30)


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