- The Spirit is a world. We are called to step into the world of the Spirit, in tune with Him.
- The Flesh is a world. We are born into the world of flesh.
- The flesh spins its own world around itself. The world is its reference of meaning.
- Guilt is the experience of battle between the Spirit-world and Flesh-world.
- Guiltless-sinning is the experience of being subdued by the flesh. This person can’t easily participate in the religious feelings of other worshippers. He/She has been sucked into the Flesh-world, totally alienated from the Spirit.
- The Spirit strives with our spirit to produce conviction when the flesh is a vexation.
- The key to walking in the Spirit is inclination. One who inclines his/her heart to the Spirit is drawn by the Spirit into His bosom of grace. The Spirit reveals Himself to those who seek Him. He assists us in prayer for we know not how to pray. He breaks through the shell of our minds, illuminating us with divine insights, delivering us from the delusion of sin.
- The Spirit-filled walker is sensitive to the promptings of the Spirit - to know and to do the will of God.
On Monday, April 30, I started a poll on the following question: Jesus said: "The fields are ripe for harvest... I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor." (Jn 4:35,38) DOES IT APPLY 2 NON-JUDEO LANDS AS WELL? They don't need preparation and sowing? Rather, they are as equally ripe for harvest as Judea-Samaria was because of previous labor by somebody (local indigenous religions and prophets!)? A total of 18 votes were cast with the following main results: YES = 9 I believe it wherever the gospel is preached and people respond. = 5 NO = 1 I'M NOT SURE = 0 One Scholar responded saying: "I think God's Spirit is at work with all people all the time through various way, and sundry ways as Hebrews says. hence they are ready for harvest... but the church is too slow to go." A Pastor responded saying: "I do believe that even in the remotest areas, the fields are alread...
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