THERE is an ancient proverb in Hindi which says Rahiman dhaga prem ka mat todevu chatkai, Tootei to phir na miley, miley ganth parijai. [Do not snap the thread of love o Rahim; For, if it breaks it can't be be joined; and if joined, it leaves a knot.] It is not easy to forget the wrongs that someone has done against us. And, even when we get reconciled sometimes, there is some knot, some painful reminder, some grudge that is left behind. But, the Bible teaches us that we need to learn not only to forgive, but also to forget the hurt, or else the reconciliation is not perfect. Divine love, the fruit of the Holy Spirit (not of our own self), makes that possible. When Jesus forgave us, He kept no record of our wrongs. The Psalmist says "As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us" (Psa 103:12). The prophet Micah could say "You will cast all our sins into the depths of the sea (Mic.7:19). Isaiah could say "You have cast all...