Boredom is the sense of a drudgeful passage of time. It is the sense of monotony, humdrum, and tedium associated with the sluggish passage of time.
(Read Gen.29:20)
Characteristics of Boredom
1. Lack of challenge
2. Lack of pleasure
3. Lack of excitement
4. Lack of joy
5. Lack of satisfaction
6. Lack of motivation
7. Lack of a sense of mobility - Time seems to move very slow.
Boredom is
1. The symptom of a devalued existence (Eccl.2:17)
2. The symptom of a disengaged existence (1Thess.5:14; 2Thess.3:6,11).
3. The sense of wearisomeness and vexation of spirit (Eccl.2:17)
4. Connected with the sense of emptiness and meaninglessness. (Eccl.2:22,23)
Sources of Boredom
1. Separation from the presence of the Lord where there is fullness of joy (Ps.16:11)
2. Quenching of the Spirit or Lack of the Spirit (Jude 1:19; 1Thess.5:19)
3. Unwillingness to rejoice in the Lord always (Phil.4:4)
4. Unwillingness to constantly pray (1Thess.5:17)
5. Unwillingness to be thankful in every thing (1Thess.5:18)
6. Unwillingness to meditate on the Word of God (Psa.1:2)
6. Craving after sensual pleasures or sensual excitement (Num.11:6)
7. Craving for something new and strange always (Acts 17:21; Prov.5:3)
Overcoming Boredom
1. Refusing to be bored by committing to rejoice in the Lord always (Ps.9:2; 31:7; Isa.61:10)
2. Redeeming every moment of time to glorify God (Eph.5:16; Col.4:5)
3. Disciplining self to study, meditate, intercede, and minister (2Tim.4:2,5; 1Thess.5:17; 1Tim.4:13,14,15)
4. Avoiding the craving for some strange and new experience that is not granted by God. (Num 11:6; 2Tim.2:22)
5. Worshipping God in private and corporate worship (Col.3:16; Eph.5:19,20)
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