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Christian education is a good that is encouraged in the Bible. Seeking after knowledge and wisdom is considered to be a priority (Prov.2:1-3). Understanding and skill is praised (Exo.36:2; Prov.31:19).  Solomon had knowledge of trees, insects, birds, and fish (1Ki.4:33). He was an accomplished poet, dramatist, and statesman as is evident from his writings. Ezra was a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses (Ezra 7:6) and one who had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel (Ezra 7:10). The four qualities of a scholar are already present in Ezra 7:6: preparation of faculties, study, practice, and communication. Certainly, these disciplines were what defined the vocation of Ezra as a skilled scribe. Paul was one who was trained at the feet of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3).

The New Testament indicates to us that lack of a scholarly attitude, appetite, approach, and aptitude lead to schisms, sectarianisms, and suffering within the Body of Christ. Gullibility is not a virtue (2Tim.3:6); mere “learning” without assimilation is folly (2Tim.3:7); ability to criticize and oppose doesn’t promise wisdom (2Tim.3:8-9; 1Tim.6:4). The call is to diligent, determined, and directed education. “Be diligent”, says Paul to Timothy, “to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” And, then he adds the caveat, “But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness.” (2Tim.2:15,16). True scholarship will help to rightly interpret God’s word and to increase godliness. True scholarship highlights truth and furthers the cause of moral excellence. Even the so considered “unlearned” Peter stressed the importance of proper education for the proper interpretation of God’s revelation and our relation to God and His world. In his words, there are certain things given through revelation that are hard to comprehend, and it is the unlearned and the unstable who twist the Scriptures for their own destruction (2Pet.3:16); which implies that learning, conservation of knowledge, and practical application of the same define the proper approach towards true Christian education.

Elements of Good Education
1. Embodies truth (Psa.25:5; 2Tim.3:7)
2. Promotes godliness (2Tim.2:15,16)
3. Transmissable (2Tim.2:2; Prov.3:1)
4. Practical and followable (Matt.23:4; 11:29,30)
5. Open to reason and verification (James 3:17)
6. Helps to develop practical wisdom and skills for living (Eccl.7:12; Prov.8:15,16,18)
7. Helps one to become mature (Prov.8:5; 1Co.14:20).

Places of Education
1. Home (Deut.4:9,10; 2Tim.3:15)
2. Church (Mal.2:7; 1Tim.3:2; 2Tim.2:2)
3. God's Creation (Psa.19:1,2; Prov.6:6; Matt.24:32; Job 38-41)
4. School (Acts 22:3; 19:9)
5. Seminar and Conference places (Acts 17:19)

Media of Education
1. Personal Instruction (2Tim.2:2)
2. Writings (2Pet.3:15,16; 2Tim.3:15,16; 4:13; Esth.6:1)
3. Personal Meditation (1Tim.4:15)
4. Application and Practice (James 1:22,23,24; Matt.7:24)


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