Greed is
Love of Money (or Possessions)
- Sin (Exo.20:17)
- The greedy desire to have more (Gk. pleonexia).
- Desire for unjust gain (Hb. betsa)
- Desire, craving, longing for what is forbidden (Gk. epithumia)
- To give one's self up to the love of money (Gk. oregomai, 1Tim.6:10)
- Eagerness for base gain (Gk. aischrokerdes, 1Tim.3:3)
Love of Money (or Possessions)
- Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1Tim.6:6)
- Love of money leads one astray from faith (1Tim.6:10)
- Love of money makes one unfit for the Kingdom of God (Lk.18:22,23)
- Love of money makes one unfit for ministry (1Tim.3:3,8; Tit.1:7; 1Pet.5:2)
- Love of money ensnares one into piercings of many sorrows (1Tim.6:10)
- Love of money causes trouble to one's house (Prov.15:27)
- Love of money leads to violence, wars, and oppression (Mic.2:2; James 4:1-3)
- Will never have enough (Isaiah 56:11)
- Can never serve God (Luke 16:13)
- Derides Christ (Luke 16:14)
- Shall not inherit the kingdom of God (1Cor.6:10; Eph.5:5)
- Has a heart exercised with covetous practices and is cursed (2Pet.2:14)
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