The Bible teaches us that peace is not just the absence of enmity, conflict, or war; peace is a positive grace and gift of Christ (Jn.14:27); it is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22). In fact, it tells us that peace is inseparable from the person of Jesus Christ, who is our peace (Eph.2:14).
Peace Described As
1. Cancellation of Enmity and Reconciliation with God (Col.2:14; 1:20)
2. Gift of Christ (Jn.14:27)
3. Fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22; Rom.14:17)
4. Beyond Understanding (Phil.4:7)
Four Facts About Peace
1. It can be Given (Jn.14:27; Rom.15:13)
2. It can Guard (Phil.4:7)
3. It can Govern (Col.3:15)
4. It can Grow (1Pet.1:2)
Two Aspects of Peace
1. Objective Peace - The fact of being at peace or the state or condition of peace. (External) (1Chr.5:12)
2. Subjective Peace - The experience of having/knowing peace. (Internal) (Phil.4:7)
Two Experiences of Peace
1. Having Peace WITH God (Rom.5:1)
2. Having Peace OF God (Phil.4:7)
Peace with God is the basis for God giving us the peace of God.
Lack of Peace Described As
1. State of Mental Enmity with God (Col.1:21; Gen.6:5-7)
2. Great Turmoil (Heb. mehuwmah, tumult, confusion, disturbance, turmoil, disquietude, panic, discomfiture, 2Chr.15:5)
3. Alienation from the Good (Jer.8:15)
4. Presence of Fear and Terror (Jer.30:5; 2Tim.1:7)
Loss of Peace With/Of God
1. Through Sin (Col.1:21)
2. By entertaining cares, riches, and pleasures of life (Luke 8:14)
3. Because of the love of money (1Tim.6:10)
Source of Peace
1. God the Father (Rom.15:33; 1Cor.1:3)
2. God the Son (Jn.14:27; 16:33; Eph.2:14)
3. God the Spirit (Gal.5:22; Rom.14:17)
Price of Peace With God
1. What Christ Paid: The Incarnation and Atoning Death of Jesus Christ - by His blood (Eph.2:14-16; Col.1:20-22)
2. What the Christian Pays: Loss of Friendship with the World (Matt.10:34-36; James 4:4)
Peace Involves
1. Negotiation (Isa.1:18)
2. Mediation (Job 33:23; Heb.12:24)
3. Propitiation - appeasement of justice (Rom.3:25)
4. Expiation - removal of guilt (Rom.8:1)
5. Forgiveness of sins (Eph.1:7)
6. Reconciliation (Col.1:20; Heb.2:17)
7. Filling the heart with peace (John 14:27; Rom.15:13)
8. Producing fruit of peace in us through the Spirit (Gal.5:22)
9. Guarding the heart and the mind by peace (Phil.4:7)
Effects of Peace
Boldness of Access (Eph.2:17,18)
Unity and Harmony (Eph.4:3)
Freedom to grow (Acts 9:31)
Finding Peace By
1. Faith in Jesus (Rom.5:1)
2. Casting all Cares on Jesus (Phil.4:6,7)
3. Loving God's Word (Psa.119:165; Jn.16:33)
Seeking Peace
1. In Greeting (Luke 10:5)
2. Peacemaking (Matt.5:9; James 3:18)
3. Peaceful Co-existence (2Cor.13:11; Heb.12:14; 1Pet.3:9-11)
4. Moral Non-interference; "mind own business" (1Thess.4:11; Prov.26:17)
5. Fight for Justice (Zech.8:16)
6. Pursue things that make for peace; not contention, controversy, and unnecessary babblings (Rom.14:19,20)
7. Forgiving each other (Col.3:13,15)
Mission of Peace
1. Christ, the Prince of Peace and His Mission of Peace (Isa.9:6,7; Col.1:20)
2. Gospel of Peace (Romans 10:15)
3. Ambassadors of Peace and the Ministry of Reconciliation with God (2Cor.5:18,20)
a. The Ministry is ethical (1Thess.2:3-6)
b. The Ministry is sincere (1Thess.2:7-10)
c. The Ministry is free (Matt.10:8)
Titles of Peace
1. God of Peace (Rom.15:33; 16:20)
2. Thoughts of Peace (Jer.29:11)
3. Prince of Peace - Jesus (Isa.9:6)
4. Covenant of Peace (Num.25:12; Isa.54:10; Eze.34:25; 37:26)
5. Way of Peace (Rom.3:17)
6. Gospel of Peace (Rom.10:15; Eph.6:15)
7. Son of Peace - The one who receives the Gospel of peace (Luke 10:6)
Peace Described As
1. Cancellation of Enmity and Reconciliation with God (Col.2:14; 1:20)
2. Gift of Christ (Jn.14:27)
3. Fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22; Rom.14:17)
4. Beyond Understanding (Phil.4:7)
Four Facts About Peace
1. It can be Given (Jn.14:27; Rom.15:13)
2. It can Guard (Phil.4:7)
3. It can Govern (Col.3:15)
4. It can Grow (1Pet.1:2)
Two Aspects of Peace
1. Objective Peace - The fact of being at peace or the state or condition of peace. (External) (1Chr.5:12)
2. Subjective Peace - The experience of having/knowing peace. (Internal) (Phil.4:7)
Two Experiences of Peace
1. Having Peace WITH God (Rom.5:1)
2. Having Peace OF God (Phil.4:7)
Peace with God is the basis for God giving us the peace of God.
Lack of Peace Described As
1. State of Mental Enmity with God (Col.1:21; Gen.6:5-7)
2. Great Turmoil (Heb. mehuwmah, tumult, confusion, disturbance, turmoil, disquietude, panic, discomfiture, 2Chr.15:5)
3. Alienation from the Good (Jer.8:15)
4. Presence of Fear and Terror (Jer.30:5; 2Tim.1:7)
Loss of Peace With/Of God
1. Through Sin (Col.1:21)
2. By entertaining cares, riches, and pleasures of life (Luke 8:14)
3. Because of the love of money (1Tim.6:10)
Source of Peace
1. God the Father (Rom.15:33; 1Cor.1:3)
2. God the Son (Jn.14:27; 16:33; Eph.2:14)
3. God the Spirit (Gal.5:22; Rom.14:17)
Price of Peace With God
1. What Christ Paid: The Incarnation and Atoning Death of Jesus Christ - by His blood (Eph.2:14-16; Col.1:20-22)
2. What the Christian Pays: Loss of Friendship with the World (Matt.10:34-36; James 4:4)
Peace Involves
1. Negotiation (Isa.1:18)
2. Mediation (Job 33:23; Heb.12:24)
3. Propitiation - appeasement of justice (Rom.3:25)
4. Expiation - removal of guilt (Rom.8:1)
5. Forgiveness of sins (Eph.1:7)
6. Reconciliation (Col.1:20; Heb.2:17)
7. Filling the heart with peace (John 14:27; Rom.15:13)
8. Producing fruit of peace in us through the Spirit (Gal.5:22)
9. Guarding the heart and the mind by peace (Phil.4:7)
Effects of Peace
Boldness of Access (Eph.2:17,18)
Unity and Harmony (Eph.4:3)
Freedom to grow (Acts 9:31)
Finding Peace By
1. Faith in Jesus (Rom.5:1)
2. Casting all Cares on Jesus (Phil.4:6,7)
3. Loving God's Word (Psa.119:165; Jn.16:33)
Seeking Peace
1. In Greeting (Luke 10:5)
2. Peacemaking (Matt.5:9; James 3:18)
3. Peaceful Co-existence (2Cor.13:11; Heb.12:14; 1Pet.3:9-11)
4. Moral Non-interference; "mind own business" (1Thess.4:11; Prov.26:17)
5. Fight for Justice (Zech.8:16)
6. Pursue things that make for peace; not contention, controversy, and unnecessary babblings (Rom.14:19,20)
7. Forgiving each other (Col.3:13,15)
Mission of Peace
1. Christ, the Prince of Peace and His Mission of Peace (Isa.9:6,7; Col.1:20)
2. Gospel of Peace (Romans 10:15)
3. Ambassadors of Peace and the Ministry of Reconciliation with God (2Cor.5:18,20)
a. The Ministry is ethical (1Thess.2:3-6)
b. The Ministry is sincere (1Thess.2:7-10)
c. The Ministry is free (Matt.10:8)
Titles of Peace
1. God of Peace (Rom.15:33; 16:20)
2. Thoughts of Peace (Jer.29:11)
3. Prince of Peace - Jesus (Isa.9:6)
4. Covenant of Peace (Num.25:12; Isa.54:10; Eze.34:25; 37:26)
5. Way of Peace (Rom.3:17)
6. Gospel of Peace (Rom.10:15; Eph.6:15)
7. Son of Peace - The one who receives the Gospel of peace (Luke 10:6)
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