Motivation is the process of being inspired and made enthusiastic to do something.
The person who has a motivational gift is inspired and enthusiastic to do a particular thing for which he is enabled by God.
Motivational gifts help to keep the Body of Christ motivated and lively.
8 Facts regarding the Motivational Gifts:
1. Everyone has at least one motivational gift, apart from the 9 Gifts of the Spirit (Rom.12:3)
2. Motivational gift is grace that a person is given; however, ministry gifts are persons that Christ gives to the church (Rom.12:3)
3. Motivational gifts are not mere natural talents; for example, prophecy is not a natural psychical ability; they are gifts from God that identify our fuctional role in the church (Rom.12:6)
4. Motivational gifts are given according to grace (Rom.12:3)
5. Motivational gifts are given to each according to the measure of faith which God gives to one to operate in the gift (Ro.12:3)
6. We can only operate in the motivational gift in proportion to our faith (Rom.12:6)
7. Motivational gifts can only flow out of self-surrender and humility (Rom.12:1-3)
8. Motivational gifts are action gifts, which must be used in the particular action (or ministry in ministering.. etc)
Foundations of the Motivational Gifts
1. Spiritual Worship - Sacrifice of Body (Rim.12:1)
2. Transformation of Self by Renewing of Mind - Discernment of Good and Evil (Pure Conscience) (Rom.12:2)
3. Right View of Self, God, and the Body of Christ - Relationships (Rom.12:3-5)
4. Operation in the Gifts - The Act of Service
Drivers: Grace, Faith
Qualities: Reverence, Humility, Love, Action
On Monday, April 30, I started a poll on the following question: Jesus said: "The fields are ripe for harvest... I sent you to reap what you have not worked for. Others have done the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits of their labor." (Jn 4:35,38) DOES IT APPLY 2 NON-JUDEO LANDS AS WELL? They don't need preparation and sowing? Rather, they are as equally ripe for harvest as Judea-Samaria was because of previous labor by somebody (local indigenous religions and prophets!)? A total of 18 votes were cast with the following main results: YES = 9 I believe it wherever the gospel is preached and people respond. = 5 NO = 1 I'M NOT SURE = 0 One Scholar responded saying: "I think God's Spirit is at work with all people all the time through various way, and sundry ways as Hebrews says. hence they are ready for harvest... but the church is too slow to go." A Pastor responded saying: "I do believe that even in the remotest areas, the fields are alread...
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