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Showing posts from October, 2014

Should Christians Celebrate Jewish Feasts?

The New Testament doesn't prescribe the celebration of the Jewish Feasts for the Church. The statement in 1 Corinthians 5:7-8 actually intends to say that since the Passover is over and we are the Unleavened Bread (1Cor.5:7), we must celebrate sincerity and truth in our daily life (a leaven-free life). With regard to the Old, the Book of Hebrews states that it was ready to disappear before the New (Heb.8:13). In his epistle to the Colossians, Paul mentions that Christians do not need to observe the feasts and festivals since their purpose is over (Col.2:16,17). The feasts were only shadows of the reality, that is Christ, to come. One doesn't need to go back again and again to the sign posts after having followed them, crossed them, and reached the destination. One doesn't keep gazing at a picture the whole day when the real person is close by. Now, while some may choose to celebrate the feasts (which is not prohibited), one must not teach that the feasts need to be celebrat...

Educating Your Church for Biblical Literacy

Forthcoming in ChristianTrends Magazine O NE  must be careful before making any blanket statement about the state of teaching ministry in the church;for certainly there are churches that emphasize on teaching and there are churches that emphasize other things such as evangelism, worship, holiness, or social service. So, let me take a more general approach and leave it to the reader to consider if the necessary emphasis on teaching exists in his context or not; and, if not, what he or she can do to bring it to the front. The Ministry of the Word in Historical Retrospective For the Apostles, the ministry of the Word had no substitute. When the early church fell into a controversy related to food-serving, the Apostles drew a very clear line of definition around their calling. They were marked off by God not to serve tables but to the ministry of the Word (Acts 6:2); not that they were not willing to serve tables when needed (John 13:14), but because they were not supposed to let go of...

The Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus - Video Teaching

NOTES Rom 6-8 talkng about a root human problem that psychology alone cannot solve. The solution is the Law of the Spirit of Lifw Rom. 7: One explanation: It is the state of the unredeemed. Another (Keswick Theology): It is the state of the Carnal Christian. ++++The Mind Loves the Law - I know that the Law is spiritual (Rom.7:14) - I agree that the Law is good (Rom.7:16) - I delight in the Law (Rom.7:22) - No mind that loves the anti-law; it may hate that the Law is preventing it from doing certain things; but, it doesn't prefer something against the Law. For instance, no sane mind would like the following commands: 1. Thou shalt tell lie 2. Thou shalt murder 3. Thou shalt commit adultery 4. Thou shalt covet Because it knows that such laws are self-destructive. Immanuel Kant: Starry heavens above, and the moral law within. Rom. 2:14,15 But, a debased mind tries to create a system that would in someway justify sin. Rom.1: Bad Myths (Plato - Censor). Cultural customs, human invention...

The Purpose of the Lamp: To Help See Even If Noticed Never

It's not good if people keep gazing at a lamp rather than use its light to do the work they are supposed to do. A candle is not meant to be seen as much as it is meant to be in a place from which it helps things to be seen. A man of God is not placed on the stand for people to applaud and fawn over him; he is placed there by God in order to give light to the world that they be able to see the truth and live. It doesn't even matter if the world doesn't notice the candle at all, only if its light has helped men and women to walk without stumbling.

Let Not the Honor of Man Prevent You From Experiencing the Power of God!

One of the greatest hindrances to faith is the fear of being rejected or of losing honor in the sight of men. Jesus said to the Jews, "How can you believe, who receive honor from one another, and do not seek the honor that comes from the only God?" (John 5:44). Let's take the case of a young man who is being blessed by the simple truths regarding the things of God shared by a man of God who is known well as a man full of faith and of the Spirit. However, one day he meets a worldly wise man who appears to be very noble and has good knowledge of theology and philosophy. When asked of his opinion about the former minister, this theologian remarks that all such teaching is folk theology. If this young man falls prey to the despising attitude of this worldly wise man he has allowed water to fall on the little sparks that were catching fire in his heart. Why? Given that quite a many of these simple ministers have erroneous opinions, it is also certainly not the case that quite ...

Dying to the Elemental Principles of the Universe (Col.2:20)

Therefore, if you died with Christ from the basic principles of the world, why, as though living in the world, do you subject yourselves to regulations-- "Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle," which all concern things which perish with the using-- according to the commandments and doctrines of men? These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and neglect of the body, but are of no value against the indulgence of the flesh. (Col 2:20-23 NKJ) Paul is referring here to an essential principle of Christian doctrine: Commandments that relate to perishable things are basic to the material world, but not basic to the Kingdom of God. In such a sense they are relative to the world but are not absolutely absolute. 1. These commandments concern things which perish with the using; therefore, they cannot be imperishable. Thus, for instance, customs related to washing of hands and feet before sitting for dinner may apply in one culture bu...

Recognizing Palestinian Statehood: How Essential Is It to the Peace Progress?

The State of Palestine is one of the states with limited international recognition. As of 27 September 2013, 134 (69.4%) of the 193 member states of the United Nations have recognised the State of Palestine. But, Israel doesn't recognize it. In fact, the recent UK MPs' vote on Palestinian State recognition was rejected by Israel as an hindrance to any prospects of peace between the two sides ( The Free Press , Oct.14). Opposition leader Isaac Herzog (Labor) felt that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was to blame for it. "A cold wind is blowing toward Israel from every corner in the world, but they refuse to deal with the hard facts and are bringing a diplomatic storm," he said ( The Jerusalem Post , Oct 14). It seems that only the United States remains as a strong supporter of Israel. Back in 2011, President Barack Obama told Abbas that the US would veto any United Nations Security Council move to recognise Palestinian statehood ( The Telegraph , Sep 22, 2011). The ...

व्‍यवस्‍था के लक्षण

1. नीव: प्रेम. व्‍यवस्‍था का नीव प्रेम है। (Matt.22:40) 2. श्रोता: पापी. व्‍यवस्‍था पापियों के लिए दिया गया (1Tim.1:9) 3. कार्य: पाप को प्रगट करना. व्‍यवस्‍था पाप को प्रगट कर देता है (Rom.3:20) 4. आंतरिक गवाह: विवेक (Rom.2:15). 5. सक्षमता: दोषी ठहराना. व्‍यवस्‍था दोषी ठहरा सकता है परन्‍तु दोषमुक्‍त नही कर सकता (Gal.3:10) 6. प्रभाव: मृत्‍यु. अक्षर मारता है। वह जीवन नही दे सकत (2Cor.3:6; 1Cor.15:56; Rom.7:9,10)) नोट: यीशु मसीह व्‍यवस्‍था को रदृद करने नही आया। (Matt.5:17). यथार्थ, अनुग्रह की आज्ञाएं व्‍यवस्‍था की आज्ञाओं से अधिक सख्‍त है (Matt 5:19,20)

मै कैसे जान सकता हूं की कोई अवसर ईश्‍वर की ओर से है या नहीं

1. अकसर यह स्‍पष्‍ट रहता है। परन्‍तु यदी संदेह है तो सतर्कता की आवश्‍यकता है, क्‍योंकि जो कुछ विश्‍वास अनुसार नही वह पाप है। (Rom.14:23) 2. अकसर लक्ष्‍य तो नेक होता है परन्‍तु जरिये सही नही होते  (Jer.48:10). 3. यदी कोई अवसर हमें परमेश्‍वर की आज्ञा का उल्‍लंघन करने का प्रलोभन देती है तो वह प्रलाभन है, अवसर नही (James 1:13). 4. यह परमेश्‍वर की परीक्षा करने का कर्म नही होना चाहिए। यह सोचना की मै छलांग लगाता हूँ, परमेश्‍वर तो संभाल ही लेगा, ईश्‍वर की परीक्षा लेने की मनोभावना है (Matt.4:6,7). 5. यह किसी मनुष्‍य के विचार, यहा तक की भविष्‍यवाणी पर भी आधारित नही होना चाहिये। याद रखें की पुराने नियम में एक नबी ऐसी ही गलती करके विनाश का पथ चुन लिया (1Kgs.13:16-24). पौलुस से हम सीख सकते है। जब उसने परमेश्‍वर से बुलाहट प्राप्‍त की तो मनुष्‍यों का राय नही चाहा (Gal.1:16). 6. यह अभिलाषा द्वारा चलाया जाने वाला नही होना चाहिए (James 1:14,15). 7. यह परमेश्‍वर के दासों के आंखों में धूल झोंक कर काम करने का मार्ग नहीं होना चाहिए (Heb.13:17; Acts 5:3,4, 9,10).

The Parables of Sadhu Sundar Singh

Sundar Singh (1889-?) was born into a Sikh family in Punjab. At that time, the British were ruling over India and Christian missionaries ran English medium schools into which many well-to-do families sent their children for education. Sundar Singh was sent into one such school. Sundar hated reading lessons from the English New Testament which was read as a daily textbook in the Mission School where he went. Of course, at the beginning he did like the teachings of Christ; but, he abhorred the fact that the New Testament was given too special a preference. When Sundar was 14 years old, his mother, who was a model of piety for him, died. Sundar's life was shaken. He began to grow bitter against Christianity and the teachings of Christ. In a rage of anger, one day, while he was in his early teenage years, he got hold of the English New Testament and set it to fire  (Later, after he had came to know Christ, he grievously mourned this act as a grave sin). But, Sundar had no peace in his...

Few Characteristics of Mosaic Law

Few of the Characteristics of the Mosaic Law were as follows: 1. Ground: Love. It was based upon the Great Commandment: the Commandment of Love. (Matt.22:40) 2. Subjects: Sinners. The Law was given for the lawless (1Tim.1:9) 3. Function: To Expose Sin. The Law exposed sin, what it is. (Rom.3:20) 4. Internal Witness: Conscience. The human conscience bore witness to the justness of this Law (Rom.2:15). We must remember that the conscience is not just an effect of social learning. It is a justifier and judge in the epistemics of morality. The apprehension there is not just rational, but apodeitical and intuitive. However, when salt loses its saltness, there is nothing with which to salten it again. 5. Ability/Power: To Condemn. The Law could only condemn humans; it could never justify them. (Gal.3:10) 6. Effect: Death. The Law killed; it could never give life (2Cor.3:6; 1Cor.15:56; Rom.7:9,10)) Note: Jesus came to fulfill the Law, not to abolish it (Matt.5:17). In fact, the Commandment...

Tabitha Dorcas, A Woman Full of Good Works (Acts 9:36-42)

The New Testament doesn't tell us much about Tabitha (her name means "gazelle") except that she was a disciple and that she was full of good works and charitable deeds. We are not told how old she was, whether she was married, what job or business she did (we are told what Lydia did for a living, but we are not told what Dorcas did), whether she was beautiful, and whether she was rich or poor. Those things don't matter to those within the New Covenant. The most important thing relates to discipleship and one's life and testimony in Christ. Dorcas may not have been a preacher, a woman with notable signs and wonders following her ministry. She didn't write a book nor was she any entertainer. However, the Bible praises her for the qualities that it finds in her. 1. She was a Disciple (Acts 9:36) The first distinctive of Dorcas was that she was a believer in Christ and was a sincere follower, a learner, a disciple of Christ. Jesus said that discipleship involves s...

Religion and Culture: Differences (Table)

NOTE: This is not a dogmatic stance, but only an hypothetical exploration attempting linguistic clarification. Culture and Religion are not the same, though they are very close. There are various theories that suggest a model of relationship between them. One of them tries to see Religion as the soul of culture. This view doesn't consider the fact that there could also be non-religious cultures. Perhaps, one may quote the Pirahas as an example of such a culture. ( Wiki ) Of course, this doesn't rule out the fact that some kind of belief-system may be involved in a culture. Another view looks at Religion as an organic part of Culture, but in such a manner that it affects the other parts. We suggest here that the elements that can be altered through religious effect are religious elements, and the basic elements that religion may use (e.g. language, art, science) for its own purposes are cultural. Of course, there are cases where the usage takes on religious flavors; however, the...