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Showing posts from April, 2014

Kingdom of Hell

Where peace matters more than truth, Where prosperity matters more than virtue, Where pleasure matters more than love, Where present matters more than the future, Where power matters more than brokenness, Where pride matters more than remorse, Where profit matters more than grace, Where the poor matter less and the rich matter more, Where persona matters more than character, Where products matter more than God, There the Kingdom of Hell has come!


  A little boy plays with his little toy; I see in his eyes, dreams. A little girl gazes at her little pearl; I see in her eyes, dreams. A hungry kid lifts up a garbage lid; I see in his eyes, dreams. A shivering child stares at the winter wild; I see in her eyes, dreams. A young lass looks herself in the glass; I see in her eyes, dreams. A young lad peruses through the latest fad; I see in his eyes, dreams. A young man thinks of them all and the call; I see in his eyes, dreams.

Elasticity and Stress in Trials

Texts to Read: 2Cor.1:8; 1Cor.10:13; James 1:2-4; Rom.5:3-5; 1Jn.4:4; Rom.8:28-39 "God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able..." (1Co 10:13 NKJ) Physics defines elasticity as the ability of a body to regain its original shape and size after deforming force is withdrawn; in other words, it is "resistance to change". Stress is nothing but the resisting or restoring force acting proportionately against the deforming force. When the deforming force is overwhelming over the elasticity limit, the body will either break under strain or be crushed under pressure. The good news is that the Bible promises us that God will not allow the test to exceed our resistance limit; secondly, God also assures us that He that is within us (to give us the resisting power) is greater than he that is in the world (the deforming force). No doubt, stress is the condition of being disturbed (it is a state of resistance); therefore, we must be careful how w...

New Hindi Christian Mp3s Download

Audio Files VBR MP3 Ogg Vorbis Din ba Din (Das Privileg Cover) 7.7 MB   2.1 MB   Har Pal Har Vakt 6.7 MB   1.8 MB   Song Holy Angels Cannot Sing 4.4 MB   2.0 MB   Jeevan Ke Andheron May (Cover) 5.6 MB   3.1 MB   Jitna Tujhe Dhoondun (Phebe & Domenic) 9.3 MB Jitna Tujhe Dhoondun (The More I Seek Cover) 6.1 MB   1.6 MB   Miley Mujhe Aisa Yaar (First Prayer Cover) 2.7 MB   1.4 MB   Sari Mahima (Cover) 6.1 MB   3.0 MB   The Greatest is Love (1Cor 13) - English 11.3 MB   3.6 MB   The Praying Man - Instrumental 2.5 MB   1.2 MB   Tujhko Miley (Ngi Ai Shame Cover) 4.1 MB   2.0 MB   Vachan Se 4.2 MB   2.2 MB   Yessu Mera (Acoustic Guitar Solo) - Punjabi 6.2 MB   3.1 MB  

25 Things Christ Accomplished on the Cross

Sins remitted (Heb.9:22; 10:18) Writing of Law against us cancelled (Col.2:14) Old man crucified (Rom.6:6) Sin's power destroyed (Rom.6:14) Sting of death removed (1Cor.15:55) Principalities and powers disarmed (Col.2:15) Principalities and powers triumphed upon (Col.2:15) Principalities and powers made public spectacle of (Col.2:15) Devil's works destroyed (1Jn.3:8) Fear of death removed (Heb.2:14,15) World crucified to self and self to the world - separation (Gal.6:14) Way into the Holiest paved (Heb.10:20) - Access Flesh crucified with its lusts (Gal.5:24) Man in his sin embraced (justice and love kissed each other) (1Jn.4:10; Rev.1:5) Believer justified (Rom.5:9; 8:1) Believer sanctified (Heb.13:12) Christian given victory power over devil (Rev.12:11) Christ lifted up as a sign (Jn.3:14) Christ becomes the vision of Christian race (Heb.12:2) Christian made possession of heaven (1Cor.6:19,20; 1Pt.1:19) Peace with God (Eph.2:16; Ro.5:1; Col.1:20) Peace with each other (Eph.2:...

7 Purposes of Clothing

To cover nakedness, not expose it (Gen.3:21) To protect shame, not promote shamelessness (Gen.3:7,21)  To honor, not rebel (not rebellious dress forms, not for attracting through shock or provocation) (e.g. dress to honor various occasions like wedding. Jesus mentioned in his parable of the rich man's banquet that the man who didn't wear the wedding garment was thrown out, because he didn't honor the occasion, Matt.22:11; Gen.24:65) To aid the body, not violate it (There are different clothing for different seasons - winter, summer, rainy; different clothing for different purposes: to protect against sun or wind or rain - hats, headgears, etc, 2Tim.4:13,21) To celebrate fidelity, not become feast to the eyes of everyone (Sol.4:12). To display modesty and humility, not trot out arrogance and pride (Isaiah 3:17-23; 1Pet.3:3,4) To focus on inner beauty, not distract with or compensate with outer one (1Pet.3:3,4; Prov.31:30; Jer.2:33; 2Kings 9:30)

The 7 Sayings on the Cross and New Testament Law of Love

In His 7 Sayings on the Cross, the Lord also established the New Testament ethics or Law of Love for Christian life. We understand that the Ten Commandments of the Old Testament had the following structure: 1. Love the Lord your God with all your strength... (The first 4 commands) 2. Honor your parents (5th Command) 3. Love your neighbor as yourself (Last 5 commands) Jesus went a step further when He taught: "You have heard that it was said,`You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.'But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. (Mat 5:43-45 NKJ) Now, in His Sayings from the Cross, Jesus establishes the 3 commands of the Old Testament (whose real intent He had earlier uncovered in His Sermon on the Mount), and establi...

Peace WITH God; Peace OF God

The world has lost a number of important things. There are a few things that it is desperately searching for. One of them is peace. The world has certainly gained a lot of other things in the process of the search for peace. But, they are too artificial to meet the need. For instance, they invented weapons to find peace; but, weapons only increased fear and loss of peace. They invented alcohol and all kinds of drugs; but, these have wrecked lives and destroyed homes. They invented psychological and sociological theories that either denied God or denied His authority, they invented ways to justify infidelity in marriage, pre-marital sex, and the porn industry; the result, more broken hearts, broken health, and broken homes. It seems that whatever man tries to do to find peace only worsens the situation. The rich man lacks peace; the poor man lacks it as well. The religious man lacks peace; the irreligious man lacks it as well. The policeman lacks peace; the criminal lacks it as well. Th...

Doing Theology With Relevance

Remembering this story from Dr. K.C. Abraham at the CFCC Graduation: A man ventured on an helicopter to a deserted area, soon lost control and crashed on to a tree. As he hung there, he saw a man passing by and asked in desperation, "Sir, can you tell me where I am?" The man looked up and replied, "You are on the tree." Puzzled, he asked again, "Are you a theologian?" "Yes, how did you know?" came the reply. "Because you speak the truth, but it is irrelevant to my situation." Moral: Do Theology with Relevance!


The Bible teaches us that peace is not just the absence of enmity, conflict, or war; peace is a positive grace and gift of Christ (Jn.14:27); it is the fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22). In fact, it tells us that peace is inseparable from the person of Jesus Christ, who is our peace (Eph.2:14). Peace Described As 1. Cancellation of Enmity and Reconciliation with God (Col.2:14; 1:20) 2. Gift of Christ (Jn.14:27) 3. Fruit of the Spirit (Gal.5:22; Rom.14:17) 4. Beyond Understanding (Phil.4:7) Four Facts About Peace 1. It can be Given (Jn.14:27; Rom.15:13) 2. It can Guard (Phil.4:7) 3. It can Govern (Col.3:15) 4. It can Grow (1Pet.1:2) Two Aspects of Peace 1. Objective Peace - The fact of being at peace or the state or condition of peace. (External) (1Chr.5:12) 2. Subjective Peace - The experience of having/knowing peace. (Internal) (Phil.4:7) Two Experiences of Peace 1. Having Peace WITH God (Rom.5:1) 2. Having Peace OF God (Phil.4:7) Peace with God is the basis for God giving us the peace o...

Dr. Billy Graham on Boredom

Excerpted from Peace With God (1984) The Breadth of Boredom America is said to have the highest per capita boredom of any spot on earth! We know that because we have the greatest variety and greatest number of artificial amusements of any country. People have become so empty that they can't even entertain themselves. They have to pay other people to amuse them, to make them laugh, to try to make them feel warm and happy and comfortable for a few minutes, to try to lose that awful, frightening, hollow feeling — that terrible, dreaded feeling of being lost and alone. You may think that boredom is a minor matter. Everyone gets bored sometimes, it's only natural. But let me tell you something about boredom, and this dangerous apathy that is creeping over the land and over the minds and hearts of the people. Man is the only one of God's creatures who is capable of being bored, although I've seen animals in a zoo that look very bored! No other living thing except man can ever...

Feasts Of The Lord & Their Significance

Feasts of Lord Typical Significance from Domenic Marbaniang 1. Nisan 14 Pesah /Passover Reading: Song of Solomon Commemoration: Deliverance from Egyptian Bondage Ritual: 10 – Selecting and taking an umblemished 1st year male lamb according to household, each. 14 – Slaying of the lamb between the two evenings. Do not break its bone. Sprinkle blood with hyssop on lintel of the front door. Eat it roasted, with unleavened bread and with bitter herbs in haste Typical Significance: The death of Christ our Sacrificial Lamb 2. Nisan 15-21 Massot /Unleavened Bread (7 Days) Reading: Continue Song of Solomon Commemoration: Hardships of the hurried flight from Egypt Ritual: Unleavened Bread. 7 Days no leaven.  1st Day and 7th Day Holy Convocation. No manner of work except eating. Burnt Offerings (2 bullocks, 1 ram,7 lambs) A Sin Offering (1 Goat) Typical Signicance: Life Separated from Sin 3. Nisan 16 Omer, Bikkurim (Day After Sabbath)/ First Fruits Commemoration: Coming into the Land o...

Feasts of Israel

Feasts of Israel from Domenic Marbaniang P OSI TI ON OF MONTH I N S A CR E D Y E A R M O N TH M O D E R N EQU IV A L ENT F ES TIVAL S SE A SO N S A N D P RODUC TI O N S 1 N i san/A b i b Marc h- A p r i l 1 4 . P a ss o v er, P e s ah (Ex.12:1- 13 , 2 1 - 27 ; L e v . 23 : 4 - 5 ; Dt . 16 : 1 - 3 , 5 - 7 ) 1 5 - 2 1 . Un l e a v e n ed B r e a d , H a gha mm a ss ot (Ex.12:14- 20 ; L e v . 23 : 6 - 8 ; D t . 16 : 4 , 8 ) Da y A f t er S a b ba t h ( 1 6 ) Fi rs t F r u i t s, W a v e -S hea f , B i kk u r i m , Om er (Lev.23:10- 14 ) S p r i ng R a i n s ( D t . 11 : 14 ) Flo o d s ( J osh 3 : 5 ) B a r l ey R i p e ( A p ri l – J une: H a r ve s t) 3 S i va n May- J u n e Fif t y D a y s A f t er First - Frui t s ( 5 ) P e n t e c o s t , Sh a bu o t h, Fea s t o f Week s , Feast of H a r v e s t (Ex.23:16; 34 : 22 ; N u m . 28 : 26 ; L e v . 23 : 1 6 - 21 ; D t . 16 : 9 - 12) Wheat H a r v e st Vine ...

Dealing with Denial

“Denial” may be defined as the act of asserting that something alleged is not true. Such assertion may either be verbal or behavioral, or both.  The denial may be of the reality of a fact or of the seriousness of it, or of both. In many cases, it also appears as a mechanism to avoid responsibility in a given situation. Though, lying is a direct form of denial, there are still others like false justification, caricaturizing, and minimizing that also fall into the category of denial. In this article, we’ll look at denial with regard to leadership situations. Few examples of denial are as follows: Adam denied his responsibility in the crime at Eden. He projected the blame on Eve, instead, to somehow escape divine censure. Pharaoh denied the greatness of Jehovah despite being struck by the plagues. His political obsession with keeping Israelites as slaves made him minimize the seriousness of God’s command. Saul refused to recognize the choice of David by God for the throne. He imagined tha...

Christ-Like and Christ-Unlike Mission Models

CHRIST-LIKE MISSION MODELS 1. Incarnation Model (Heb. 2:14; 1Cor.9:22) 2. Sacrificial Model (Gal.1:20; Phil.2:17; 1Thess 2:6, 9) 3. Reconciliation Model (Eph.2:14; 2Cor.5:18; Rom.5:1; Gal.3:28; John 17:21) 4. Glorification (Uplifting, Dignifying) Model (John 17:22; Eph.3:8-11; 2Cor.8:9). CHRIST-UNLIKE MISSION MODELS 1. Detachment from the “lost”; catering to the apathetic. (L uke 15; 19:20, Matt 9:12, 23:14;James 1:27). 2. Denominationalism, Quantificationism, Subordinationism, Nominalism (Luke 9:50, Gal.1:16-24, 1Chron 21:1, Acts 8:4, Matt 23:15). 3. Deceptive and Disguisive Models (Rom.16:18). 4. Demand and Supply Models (1Thess 2:6,7; 1Pet.5:2). 5. Dictatorial Models (1Pet.5:3).

Arithmetic of Foreknowledge

In humans, the future exists as possibilities. The past exists as actualized (fulfilled) events. However, in God, the future is as real as the present and the past - as actualized; because, time is not independent of God, God holds all things together. But, while He holds all things together, He does not determine each thing; for to do that, He must exist prior to future; but, that is not the case because future, as both present and past, is coterminous with Him - "In Him we move, and live, and have our being." God is eternal. Therefore, God's foreknowledge is perfect and yet non-deterministic. In humans, future is not out there. Future is what becomes of the world and us; but, it is yet not out there. Which means that the future is non-existent at the moment. Then, how does God foreknow the non-existent? For God, the future is in Him because He holds space-time together in Him; but, He is neither determined by time nor determines it; God is not in the process of becoming...

Nothing Can Challenge the Greatness of God (Poem)

Then the Rabshakeh said to them, "Say now to Hezekiah,`Thus says the great king, the king of Assyria: "What confidence is this in which you trust? (Isa 36:4) ........ When the devil poses himself and his world as great And tries his best you to humiliate; Tell him on his face that he is a liar, Tell him that only the deceived do him admire; Tell him that he's gonna burn in hell's undying fire, Prepared for him and his entourage entire; So, let him rant and rumble and rage; But, God is with you to the end of the age; The things that swell do soon rupture and quickly abate, Nothing remains standing that challenges God who alone is Great!


Hope Does Not Disappoint (Rom 5:5 NKJ) In order to be happy a person must have someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for - Readers Digest (As cited by Billy Graham) What oxygen is for the lungs, such is hope for the meaning of human life. - Billy Graham To live without hope is to cease to live. - Fyodor Dostoyevsky The Bible is the only document of hope that we have in the world. The Bible gives us the message of hope, not only in this world, but also in the world to come. Four reasons: It gives us the basis for hope. It tells us what to hope for. It encourages us with examples of people who lived by hope against hope. It teaches us how to hope. The Basis of Hope - God Himself, His Promises The Things of Hope – Good, Salvation, Life, Blessedness Examples of Hope – Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, David, Job, Jeremiah, Daniel, Paul Way of Hope – Faith, Patience, Love, Endurance…. There is Hope One important fact that the Bible clearly wants everybody to know is that “THE...

I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed (2Ti 1:12)

"I am not ashamed, for I know whom I have believed.." (2Ti 1:12) ~Adam's sin meant his becoming ashamed in relation to "what people would think of him" if they saw him as he was. That was the beginning of the history of camouflage, hypocrisy, and masked-ego. It eventually led to man becoming ashamed of God and shameless about sin. Therefore, one cannot be a true disciple, until he has embraced the only One that the world was ever fully ashamed of - the Crucified Christ. He at once releases us from false shame. The One who was stripped naked on the Cross now garbs us with the true garment of righteousness that can fully cover our shame; in fact, He is our covering!~

Justice and Mercy as Kingdom Concerns

The past two centuries have seen the burst of several para-church organizations thrusting to the frontline for the cause of justice and mercy. They are para-church in the sense of their not being subject to a local church or any denominational body as such. However, they are not para-church in connection to the Church Universal. They are instances of Christians trans-denominationally and trans-geographically coming together to voice, witness, and act out the concerns of God’s Kingdom. In many cases, there may not even be an organization as traditionally known; for instance, Christians can voice concerns through email or social media by just forwarding or commenting on concerns. Now, it must be understood that the mission of the Church is not about proselytizing, but about evangelizing and evangelizing simply means to bear witness of the Gospel to the ends of the earth, so that those who believe can believe so in their heart and be transformed into the likeness of Christ, being transfer...

Resurrection Vs Resuscitation: 20 Differences

One important question in connection with the resurrection of Jesus asks how the resurrection of Jesus can be different from any other instance of a person coming back to life. For certain, there are numerable cases of people being resuscitated by medical means and cases of those who were raised from the dead supernaturally. The Bible also records cases of people who were raised from the dead: the son of the widow of Zarapeth, raised by Elijah in 1 Kings 17:7-24; Jairus’s daughter in Matthew 9:18-26, the son of the widow of Nain in Luke 7:11-17, and Lazarus in John 11:38-44, raised by Jesus; Tabitha in Acts 9:40 by Peter, and Eutychus by Paul in Acts 20:7-12. For the sake of this article, and for the benefit of theological distinction, let’s call the other cases of people coming back to life, in the same body that they died, as “resuscitation” and distinguish it from the “resurrection” of Jesus Christ. In this article we will point at 20 differences between resurrection and resuscita...