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Showing posts from February, 2014

Were the Good Old Days Really Good? (Eccl 7:10)

Do not say, "Why were the former days better than these?" For you do not inquire wisely concerning this. (Ecc 7:10 NKJ) There is a usual feeling among some that the older days were better. They think that, then, people were morally better, things were safer and more reliable, and the songs had more meaning than the songs sung today. It seems like the modern world has putrefied disgustingly. However, one doesn’t fail to understand that dirt doesn’t just come from nowhere. The sewage pipes of human nature were there all the time hidden beneath the refinements of culture. The vents were small and few, but grew larger and many as history thought it better to adjust culture to the vents of sewage than adjusting the vents to a non-justifiable culture. The reformers and repairers of the pipe either got weary of trying to stop the unstoppable or just flowed down with the seepage of dirt. It portends an imminent breakage of sewage and massive inundation of evil into history that the B...

Tujko Miley Sari Mahima - Worship Song


A taxi driver sees people standing on the pavements: they are waiting or boarding - passengers. A medical doctor notices people of different shapes and sizes: they are either healthy or unwell - patients. A vendor keeps his eyes fixed on someone nearing him: they are either coming to him or are just passing by - buyers. An evangelist looks at people on photos, videos, or face to face: they are either lost or found - souls. An adulterer follows women with his eyes: they are either appealing or unappealing - sex partners. A prostitute gazes flirtatiously at men passing by: they are either wise or foolish - customers. A child beggar looks at well-clad, well-fed humans passing by: they either are compassionate or too busy to think of her - privileged. God's eyes range throughout the earth looking at people: they are either godly or ungodly - children.


Denial means abnegation or nullification. It means to say "no" to or about something. Denial of truth is rejection of truth. Confession is the opposite of denial. (John 1:20). The Bible tells us that God will deny us if we deny Him (2Tim.2:12; Matt.10:23; Luke 12:9). Denial of God can be done 1. In words (Prov.30:9) 2. In works (Tit.1:16) (see also Jude 1:4; Rev.2:13) The one who denies Christ 1. Is a liar (1Jn.2:22) 2. Is antichrist (1Jn.2:22) 3. Does not have the Father (1Jn.2:23) In the case of Peter's denial of Christ three times, the Lord restored him because he denied out of fear and repented with great remorse (Matt.26:75). Also, he did confess his love for Christ after Christ's resurrection (Jn.21:14ff). Peter became one of the strongest witnesses of Christ's resurrection (Acts 5:29-32). Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and follow Christ (Luke 9:23). To deny self means to say "no" to our own will and desires and to surrender in obedience to the w...


Anxiety is Worry about the seeming insecurities of life (Matt.6:25) Insecurity about future (Matt.6:34) Fear of the uncertain (Jer.17:8; Eze.12:18) Anxiety causes Depression (Prov.12:25) Desperation (Dan.2:3) Solution Jesus taught us not to worry (Matt.6:25) Worrying can solve not even the least of the problem (Luke 12:25,26) We must not have an anxious mind (Luke 12:29,30) We must believe that God takes care of us (Luke 12:25,26; Matt.6:26-31) We must pray with thanksgiving and speak to God instead of worrying and murmuring (Phil.4:6) Divine peace and consolation is the answer to anxiety (Phil.4:7; Psalm 94:19)


Greed is Sin (Exo.20:17) The greedy desire to have more (Gk. pleonexia ). Desire for unjust gain (Hb. betsa ) Desire, craving, longing for what is forbidden (Gk. epithumia ) To give one's self up to the love of money (Gk. oregomai , 1Tim.6:10) Eagerness for base gain (Gk. aischrokerdes , 1Tim.3:3) To be without greed means to be without love for money or be content with such things as one has (Gk. aphilarguros ) Love of Money (or Possessions) Love of money is the root of all kinds of evil (1Tim.6:6) Love of money leads one astray from faith (1Tim.6:10) Love of money makes one unfit for the Kingdom of God (Lk.18:22,23) Love of money makes one unfit for ministry (1Tim.3:3,8; Tit.1:7; 1Pet.5:2) Love of money ensnares one into piercings of many sorrows (1Tim.6:10) Love of money causes trouble to one's house (Prov.15:27) Love of money leads to violence, wars, and oppression (Mic.2:2; James 4:1-3) One who is greedy Will never have enough (Isaiah 56:11) Can never serve God (Luke 16:13...


Faith is both propositional doctrine, teaching, way of belief (Rom.10:8) and personal   response to God's grace  (Rom.10:17) Facts about Faith Faith can be seen (Matt.9:2; James 2:18; Acts 14:9) Not all have faith (2Thess.3:2) Whatever is not from faith is sin (Rom.14:23) The Gospel is the word of faith (Rom.10:8) Faith has specific intent (e.g. "to be healed", "to remove mountain") (Acts 14:9) Faith is active; it works (James 2:1720; 1Thess.1:3) Jesus can only act in accordance to our faith (Matt.9:29; Luke 18:42) The presence of faith is bound to bring results, even if it is mustardseed size (Matt.17:20) (remember that a mustard seed, though little, is a complete seed) Faith is prerequisite to receiving answers to prayers (Matt.21:22)  It is commendable to be full of faith (Acts 6:5; 11:24) Faith is personal (Rom.14:22) Faith is one of the three abiding virtues (1Cor.13:13) Faith can be increased (2Cor.10:15; 2Thess.1:3) The Resurrection of Jesus gives value a...


But I want you to know that the head of every man is Christ, the head of woman is man, and the head of Christ is God. (1Co 11:3 NKJ) The headship that Paul speaks about in 1Corinthians 11 concerns headship within a family. In a family, the head of a woman is her husband. Christ is the head of both the husband and the wife directly; however, the wife is also under the authority of her husband who is under the authority of Christ. This means that the wife has both the authority of Christ and her husband (who is under the authority of Christ) over her. But, the husband is not under the authority of the wife. This also means that only the husband is the head of his wife. All men are not the head of all women. A man is the head of only his own wife; not somebody else’ wife. A woman doesn’t need to submit to someone who is not her husband. She is not under the authority of anyone else except her husband, as far as headship is concerned. For instance, the son of a woman is not the head of hi...

Taking the Lord's Name in Vain

The third of the Ten Commandments is: "You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes His name in vain." (Exo 20:7) To take the name of the Lord in vain means to use it unnecessarily, wrongfully, falsely, disrespectfully, incautiously, and irreverently. Examples are: 1. Using phrases such as "Oh my God!" and "Jesus" as an interjection (or worse, as an expletive, along with words such as "shit"). Usually, it is part of a person's language, but it must be consciously removed from speech (Matt.12:35-37; Eph.5:4) 2. Saying that God had said something when He had not said it. This applies to even wrong and twisted interpretation of God's word (Eze.13:6; 22:28; Matt.15:9) 3. Swearing by God's name falsely (Lev.19:12; Matt.5:33-37) 4. Saying that they are being led by God, when actually they are being led by their own lust (James 1:13,14). For example, one may say that God was lea...

Local Church

A local church is a group of believers in a particular geographical location. A Local Church 1. Is NOT a linguistic group of Christians (Acts 6:1 - Both the Hebrews and the Greeks were in the same local church). The churches at Jerusalem and Antioch were never divided into separate Greek and Hebrew churches. 2. Is NOT a racial group of Christians - A Black Church or A White Church or A Dalit Church as a racial division in the same locality doesn't exist. 3. Is NOT a human leader-oriented group of Christians. (1Cor.1:12). No church could call itself by the name of a human leader, even if it were planted by him (1Cor.3:6). 4. Is NOT a classed group of Christians. The church was not divided into the Slave Church or the Aristocratic Church (Col.3:11). 5. Is a geographical group of Christians (Acts 9:31; 1Cor.16:19; 2Cor.8:1; Rev.1:20;2:1). It is only distinguished by its geographical location; however, the location must not become an ecclesiastical cult. For in...

Authority of an Apostle

1. To appoint elders in the churches (Acts 14:23) 2. To address problems in a local church that the church is failing to handle (1Cor.1:10,11; Phil.4:1) 3. To execute discipline regarding moral issues in the church (Acts 5:1-11; 1Cor.4:21; 2Cor.13:10) 4. To authorize churches to execute discipline in the absence of the apostle (1Cor.5:3-5) 5. To answer doctrinal questions of a local church and to prescribe rules (1Cor.7:1,17; 8:1) 6. To charge the churches and individuals in office to do things important for the body of Christ (1Thess.5:27; 1Tim.1:3,18; 5:21; 2Tim.4:1,2) 7. To appoint and send trustworthy individuals to oversee local churches in a geographical area for growth, health, and proper order (Tit.1:5; 1Tim.3:1ff; Phil.2:19,25,29). 8. To give instructions for certain matters of contextual significance (the instructions are not universally applicable universally) (1Cor.7:12, 25). 9. To receive financial support for ministry (but, not to charge them more than is proper) (2Cor.11...


Baptism literally means "immersion" and "submersion". The picture usually is of a vessel immersed in water to clean it thoroughly. 5 Kinds of Baptisms 1. Baptism of Repentance (Mark 1:4; Acts 19:4) 2. Baptism of Regeneration, Resurrection, or New Life (Rom.6:4; Col.2:12; 1Pet.3:21) 3. Baptism of Suffering, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus (Luke 12:5) 4. Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Mark 1:8; Acts 1:5) 5. Baptism of Fire (Matt.3:11, i.e. judgment, Luke 3:17) 4 Dispensations of Baptism 1. The Age of Human Government - Noah and his family were baptized into a covenant of the promise of life (1Pet.3:21; Gen.9:13-16) 2. The Age of Law - The children of Israel were baptized into Moses (1Cor.10:2) 3. The Time of John - People were baptized into John's baptism (Acts 19:3) 4. The Age of the Church - Believers are baptized into Christ (Rom.6:3; 1Cor.12:13; Gal.3:27) 3 Baptizers 1. John the Baptist baptized with the baptism of repentance (Matt.3:1,2; Mark 1:4) 2. The Spirit...


Slavery is the practice of owning slaves. Though God permitted it in the Old Testament (See Permissive Will ), He legislated laws to protect the dignity and individuality of the slave as a human created in God's image. According to the New Testament principle, however, slavery is inhuman, immoral, and evil. People sometimes bemoan the fact that slavery was permitted in the Old Testament; but, what one needs not fail to recognize is that it was permitted for only a liberating purpose and with certain limitations. It was both limited and liberating. Deuteronomy 15:12-18 underscores at least three laws about the practice of slavery: 1. It was to be VOLUNTARY The Law specifies, - If a fellow Hebrew, a man or a woman, sells himself.. (Deut.15:12, NIV) It was not to be a forced bond-labor. It had to be voluntary. When a person would be in so much debt that he couldn't pay it back anymore, he usually would prefer selling himself as a slave. In other cultures, such slavery would become...


Boredom is the sense of a drudgeful passage of time. It is the sense of monotony, humdrum, and tedium associated with the sluggish passage of time. (Read Gen.29:20) Characteristics of Boredom 1. Lack of challenge 2. Lack of pleasure 3. Lack of excitement 4. Lack of joy 5. Lack of satisfaction 6. Lack of motivation 7. Lack of a sense of mobility - Time seems to move very slow. Boredom is 1. The symptom of a devalued existence (Eccl.2:17) 2. The symptom of a disengaged existence (1Thess.5:14; 2Thess.3:6,11). 3. The sense of wearisomeness and vexation of spirit (Eccl.2:17) 4. Connected with the sense of emptiness and meaninglessness. (Eccl.2:22,23) Sources of Boredom 1. Separation from the presence of the Lord where there is fullness of joy (Ps.16:11) 2. Quenching of the Spirit or Lack of the Spirit (Jude 1:19; 1Thess.5:19) 3. Unwillingness to rejoice in the Lord always (Phil.4:4) 4. Unwillingness to constantly pray (1Thess.5:17) 5. Unwillingness to be thankful in every thing (1Thess.5:18...


“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers” (Ephesians 4:11) The apostle is a gift given by Jesus Christ to the Church. Apostleship is a calling. There is a belief that the office of apostleship discontinued with the 12 apostles. However, the Bible doesn’t teach that. The 12 Apostles The 12 apostles (with Mattias as the 12th in place of Judas) were foundational to the early Church. The Bible tells us that the Church is founded on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the Chief Cornerstone. (Eph 2:20) Therefore, faithfulness of the church was judged by their faithfulness to the apostles’ doctrine. (Act 2:42; 2Pe 3:2; Jud 1:17). The 12 apostles along with the elders (among whom was James, the brother of Jesus) at Jerusalem had authoritative position in all matters of doctrine pertaining to the Church universal (Acts 15:2,4,6,22). Though Paul and Barnabas were apostles who were first sent from Antioch,...


God created man on the sixth day as male and female made in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26-28). They reflected the honor and glory of God and were given dominion over all creation (Ps. 8:5; Gen. 1:28). God created man as a physical, personal, and spiritual being; thus, man is body, soul, and spirit (Gen.2:7; Job 32:8; Eccl. 11:5; 12:7; 1Thess. 5:23). The first man Adam sinned and through this brought sin and death into the world (Rom. 5:12). The Bible says that in Adam all sinned, therefore death passed on to all men (Rom. 5:12). This death was three-fold in nature: spiritual death (separation from and enmity with God), physical death (separation of spirit from the body), and second death (punishment in hell) (Eph. 2:1; Col. 1:21; Rom. 5:10; Rev. 21:8). Man became mortal through the condemnation of sin. The Bible says that “flesh and blood” or unregenerate humans “cannot inherit the kingdom of God” since corruption cannot inherit incorruption (1Cor. 15:50). Therefore, the onl...

Casting Lots

There are only three instances where casting of lots is mentioned in the New Testament: (1) When Zacharias’ turn came, by lot, to minister in the temple (Luke 1:9), (2) When the soldiers cast lots to divide the garments of Jesus (Matt 27:35), and (3) When Matthias was chosen by lot to take the place of Judas Iscariot as one among the Twelve (Acts 1:26). Following that, there is no mention of casting lots anymore in the Bible. Scholars believe that this is so because we live in the Age of the Holy Spirit and every decision after Pentecost comes from Him. In the Old Testament, however, God did command His people to decide a number of things on the basis of lots. For instance, the Scapegoat on the Day of Atonement had to be chosen by lot (Lev.16:8) and the Promised Land had to be divided among the tribes by lot (Num.26:55). In the book of Jonah we find that lots were cast to determine who the culprit was, and the lot rightly fell on Jonah. Lots were cast in serious matters where human cap...

Glory of the Lord

The Hebrew word for “Glory” used in the Old Testament is kabod and it signifies “glory, honour, glorious, abundance, riches honour, splendour, glory, dignity, reputation, reverence”. The New Testament Greek word is doxa and signifies “splendour, brightness, magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity, grace, majesty”. The Bible talks about the glory of the sun, the moon, and the stars. “There are also celestial bodies and terrestrial bodies; but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. There is one glory of the sun, another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars; for one star differs from another star in glory.” (1Co 15:40-41 NKJ) It mentions a woman’s hair as being her glory (1Cor.11:15) and says that the “glory of young men is their strength, and the splendor of old men is their gray head.” (Pro 20:29 NKJ) However, all glory of creation is momentary and fleeting. But, God’s glory is eternal, immutable, and absolute. God’s glory is ...


Lust is intense craving coupled with an insatiable appetite (Num.11:4; Eze.16:28; Phil.3:19). It leads to sin (James 1:14,15) Characteristics of Lust Various (2 Tim.3:6) Harmful (1 Tim. 6:9) Foolish (1 Tim.6:9) Deceitful (Eph.4:22) Fleshly (1Pet.2:11) Worldly (Tit.2:12) Ungodly (Jude 1:18) Thrust of Lust Lusts of Flesh (Eph.2:3) Lust of Heart (Rom.1:24) Lust of Eyes (1John 2:16) Historiography of Lust Lusts of Men (1Pet.4:2) Lusts of your Fathers (John 8:44) Former Lusts (1Pet.1:14) Youthful Lusts (2Tim.2:22) Experience of Lust Temptation of Lust (James 1:14) Drawn away by Lust (James 1:14) Enticed by Lust (James 1:14) Conception of Lust (James 1:15) Looking in order to Lust – Active (Matt.5:28) Burning in Lust (Rom.1:27) Corruption of Lust (2Pet.1:4) Consequence of Lust Blindness (2Pet.1:9) Bondage (2Pet.2:19,20) Blasphemy (2Pet. 2:2) Sin (James 1:15) Death (James 1:15; Rom.8:13) Deliverance from Lust Flesh crucified with lusts – The Fact (Gal.5:24) Partakers of Divine (Sinless) Natur...


"I AM THAT I AM" is the Name by which God introduced Himself to Moses. The exact passage is: And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them? And God said unto Moses, I Am That I Am: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I Am hath sent me unto you. (Ex.3:13,14) This is the Name by which only God can introduce Himself. If somebody asked me who I am, I might answer by telling that I am the son of so and so, or that my profession is such and such, or that I work at such and such, etc. My identity is dependent on a host of other things. The technical term is “contingency”. My identity is contingent upon a number of other factors. However, God’s identity is not dependent on anything else. He is who He is! As Ravi Zacharias said, “God is the only being in existence, the reason for whose exist...

14 Qualities of Friendship According to Jesus

Text : John 15:9-17 Friendship is God-ordained. It proceeds from God the Father – “as the Father loved me, I also loved you” (John 15:9) Friendship is Christ-patterned. He is the one true example of a True Friend – “as I have loved you…” (John 15:9) Friendship is a Sacred Tie/Bond.  “keep my commandments” (John 15:10) Friendship is a Choice to Love despite everything . “abide in My love… love one another as I have loved you.” (John 15:9,12) Friendship is a Cup brimming with Divine Joy.  “that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.” (John 15:11) Friendship is Self-less and Sacrificial - “to lay down one’s life for his friends” (John 15:13). Friendship is Transparent and not diplomatic or formal. “No longer do I call you servants,… but,… friends…” (John 15:15) Friendship is Sharing.  “all things I have made known to you” (John 15:15) Friendship is Proactive. “I chose you” (John 15:16) (John 15:cf. Prov. 18:24) Friendship is Benevolent and Good Intentional. It wants...


Self-control (also called "temperance") is a biblical virtue. It means to have control over our desires, emotions, imaginations, passions, and conduct. Self-control is something that can be lacked. In other words, it is something that one can lose or build up. 3 Areas of Self-Control Body - In eating, drinking, sleeping, exercise, speaking, action, indulgence of the senses, and sexual purity. (Prov.23:21; Luke 21:34; 1Thess.4:3,4,5; James 1:26; 3:1-12) Some rules: Don't overeat, don't oversleep, don't overspeak, don't overreact, observe cleanliness, eat properly, dress properly, etc.. Soul -  In thought, imaginations, feelings, emotions, and turning of the mind towards things or ideas. Some rules: Don't allow vain thoughts, don't nurse evil feelings, don't set mind on flesh, don't worry, don't vent all your feelings but control them, meditate on God's word, cultivate pure thoughts, worship and pray with mind and emotions (Phil.4:8; Pro...

God's Will

God's will is His desire, intent, and purpose. Five Aspects of God's Will 1. God's Personal Will - The will of God that He accomplishes and which is uneffected by what any volitional beings do (Ps.115:3; Heb.6:17,18). 2. God's Prescriptive Will - The will that God prescribes for us to follow (1Jn.2:17; 1Thess.4:3). This includes both God's mandatory and prohibitory will (things that He commands us to do and things that He prohibits us to do). 3. God's Preferred Will - The will of God that prefers something over another (1Tim.2:1; Rom.12:2) 4. God's Permissive Will - The will of God that permits certain things, though they are not preferred by Him (Acts 14:16). 5. God's Pliable Will - The will of God that can be changed through human responses (Gen.18:23ff; Exo.32:11-13,14; Jonah 3:10) How we can abide in God's will 1. Seeking God (Prov.28:5) 2. Seeking Discernment (Prov.2:3,4,5; Col.1:9; James 1:5) 3. Repenting from sin (2Cor.3:16; 1Jn.1:6-8) 4. Obey...

Tempting God

To tempt the Lord means to try to seduce or provoke Him to fulfill the tempter's wishes, which is impossible (Exo.17:2). God can neither contradict Himself (2Tim.2:13) nor can He be tempted to sin (James 1:13). The consequence is that it only invites God's wrath on the tempter who has actually sinned by contradicting God (Deut.6:16). God said that the Israelites in the wilderness tempted God 10 times (Num.14:22). People can tempt the Lord by 1. Contending and complaining instead of trusting God in difficult situations (Exo.17:1,2,3). This questions God's goodwill for their lives. 2. Creating provocative situations and challenging God to act on their behalf  (Matt.4:5,6,7).  This questions God's centrality in their lives. 3. Misquoting, misrepresenting, and wrongly applying God's word (Matt.4:5,6,7). This questions the faithfulness of God. 4. Not paying attention to and disobeying the voice of God (Num.14:22). This undermines the seriousness of divine communication. ...


"To persist" means "to continue firmly in spite of difficulty, opposition, or failure." To persist means to keep moving ahead in spite of wind, fire, and rain. To persist means to continue, to be constant, to keep pressing forward. To persist means to never stop. Value of Persistence 1. Persistence brings answers to prayer (Luke 18:1-8; 11:8; 1Thess.5:17; Acts 12:5) 2. Persistence Inherits the promises of God (Heb. 6:12) 3. Persistence has a sure reward (Gal.6:9) 4. Persistence obtains the prize (Rev.12:11; 1Cor.9:25) Key Elements of Persistence 1. Clear goal (Phil.3:14) 2. Strong determination (1Cor.9:24) 3. Faith (Mark 11:24) 4. Love of God (Rom.8:38,39; 1Pet.1:8,9) 5. Vigilance (Col.4:2; 1Pet.5:8; Lk.21:36) 6. Encouraging self (Jdg.20:22; 1Sam.30:6) 7. Avoiding distractions (2Tim.2:4) 8. Pressing on (Phil.3:12,14; Heb.6:1)


Christian education is a good that is encouraged in the Bible. Seeking after knowledge and wisdom is considered to be a priority (Prov.2:1-3). Understanding and skill is praised (Exo.36:2; Prov.31:19).  Solomon had knowledge of trees, insects, birds, and fish (1Ki.4:33). He was an accomplished poet, dramatist, and statesman as is evident from his writings. Ezra was a skilled scribe in the Law of Moses (Ezra 7:6) and one who had prepared his heart to seek the Law of the Lord, to do it, and to teach statutes and ordinances in Israel (Ezra 7:10). The four qualities of a scholar are already present in Ezra 7:6: preparation of faculties, study, practice, and communication. Certainly, these disciplines were what defined the vocation of Ezra as a skilled scribe. Paul was one who was trained at the feet of Gamaliel (Acts 22:3). The New Testament indicates to us that lack of a scholarly attitude, appetite, approach, and aptitude lead to schisms, sectarianisms, and suffering within the Body of C...

Authority and Power

The Greek word for authority is exousia  and the word for power is dunamis . Authority and power go together. Authority is backed by power. Authority uses and releases power. 1. Jesus had authority over diseases; but, He healed by the power of God (Luke 5:17; Mark 5:30). 2. Power is tangible; authority is official (Mark 5:30; Acts 4:31) 3. One can be filled with power; but, authority is delegated (Acts 6:8) 4. Faith releases the power of God (Eph.1:17,18,19; Mark 5:30; 9:23) However, power of authority in politics differs from power of authority in the church and elsewhere. There is no authority greater than God since there is no power greater than God's - He is the Supreme Almighty. 1. Political authority uses physical power and force to enforce the law and execute justice (Matt.20:25; Rom.13:3-6) 2. Church authority has been given spiritual power to battle against spiritual forces of wickedness, to flash God's light, and to exercise the discipline of godliness in the Church (...

Authority of Jesus

1. He had all authority in heaven and on earth (Matt.28:18)     a. He always had it as God (John 17:5)     b. He had authority from God and gave it to His disciples (Matt.8:9-10)     c. After His resurrection, He was glorified and given all authority as the Second Man (Matt.28:18) 2. He had authority in teaching (Matt.7:29) 3. He had authority over demons and the powers of darkness (Mark 1:27) 4. He had authority over diseases (Matt.4:23) 5. He had authority to forgive sins (Matt.9:6) 6. He had authority over nature (Mark 4:39,41; 11:21) 7. He had authority over life and death     a. Over His life (John 5:24; 10:17,18)     b. To kill and to resurrect (Mark 10:28; Luk 7:14; 15; John 5:25)     c. To give eternal life (John 17:2) 8. Authority to execute judgment (John 5:27)

Authority of the Church

Those who have received Jesus in their lives have the authority to be called the children of God. They have God's authority given to them as sons of God. Anointing and authority are related. Anointing to an office gives authority of the office.  In the OT, priests were anointed to intercede for and to teach people the difference between good and evil. The church has the priestly anointing for intercession and to uphold the word of God (1Pet 2:9; 1Tim.2:1-4; Phil.2:15,16). Kings were anointed to lead, govern, protect, and give justice to people. The church is a royal priesthood and children of God are appointed as kings in God's kingdom with authority over all the powers of the devil and his kingdom (Rev.1:6; 5:10; Luke 10:19). They will judge angels in the kingdom to come (1Cor.6:2-3). In the OT, prophets were anointed to testify for God. In NT, the church is witness of Christ (Rev.19:10). The church has authority in Jesus Name 1. In doctrine - To preach the Gospel and uphold t...

Authority of the Devil

The devil has also some authority ( exousia ) in this world (Acts 26:18). There are authorities and rulers of darkness in the heavenly places (Eph.6:12), against whom the Church is engaged in a battle. The authority of the devil is called "power of darkness" (Col.1:13). These evil authorities have been disarmed by Jesus; so, they have no power over the church. (Col.2:15; Matt.16:18). The child of God is delivered from the authority of the devil and from the kingdom of darkness and is transferred to the Kingdom of Jesus Christ (Acts 26:18; Col.1:13). He is a citizen of heaven and is protected by the forces of heaven (Phil.3:20; Psa.91:11; Heb.1:14). The devil has no authority over the believer (1John 5:18). However, the world still lies under the wicked one (1John 5:19) The devil is called the Prince of the power ( exousia ) of the air, the spirit that now works among the disobedient (Eph.2:2; Job 2:2) He is called the god of this world or age (2Cor.4:4) His workings are known...

Casting Out Demons

A believer has Christ-given authority to cast out demons (Matt. 10:1,8; Mk. 16:17). The source of this power is Christ alone. Christ cast them out by the Spirit of God (Mt.12:28); therefore, a believer should have a Spirit-filled walk (Gal.5:25). Prayer, fasting and total submission to God is important (Mk. 9:29; James 4:7). The believer should seek the gift of discerning the spirits (1Cor. 12:10). He should not talk with demons, as a general rule (Mk. 1:24). They are deceivers. The believer should cast them out in the Name of Jesus (Acts 16:18). Do not close your eyes when casting out demons: you are commanding, not praying; demons are sometimes seen to be physically violent (Matt.17:15; Acts.19:15,16). The believer should not allow the demon to weaken his/her faith in God, His Word, and the power of Christ’s Holy Spirit. One of devil’s weapons is doubt (Gen. 3:1; Matt.4:3-10). In every deliverance session, there must be order and discipline among the servants of God; let one minister...


The choir of Solomon's Temple was massive, elegant, very professional, dedicated, and provided strong leadership in worship through composing songs, music (various tunes as mentioned in the titles of the psalms). (2Chr.5:12; 1Chr.23:3; 1Chr.25:7), and leading the worship. It is understood that there were a total of 288 singers and 4000 musicians, each divided into 12 courses; so that, for each course there would be 12 singers and 160 accompanying musicians. In the New Testament, a massive temple-format is not seen. However, the worship service is commanded to be an ordered event, not a disordered one (1Cor.14:33). In massive events, the role of a choir to lead the Church in worship cannot be disregarded as God doesn't see the choir as disruptive of His glory but only glorifying Him (2Chr.5:13,14). Every act of worship must be done to strengthen the church (1Cor.14:26). Some Qualifications of the Choir 1. They should have the calling and anointing for worship (Acts 6:3; 1Chronic...

Political Authority

Political authority is from God and political authorities are appointed by God (Rom.13:1). In fact, God calls one of the secular political authorities as the anointed of God (Isaiah 45:1). A political administrator is called as God's minister or servant (Rom.13: 4,6). Political authority in the world is usually secular (Matt.22:21; 1Cor.5:12,13). The Bible teaches us that when the just and righteous are in authority, people rejoice; but, when the wicked rule, the people groan (Prov.29:2). Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people (Prov.14:34). Nature of Political Authority 1. Temporal   a. Began after the Noahic Flood (Gen.9:6)   b. Will be brought to an end by Christ at the end of this age (1Cor.15:24) 2. Rules by Fear (Rom.13:3,4) 3. God-given and God-appointed (Dan.4:17,25; 5:21; Rom.13:1) 4. Represents God's authority (Rom.13:2) 5. Moral - Law and Rule appeal to Conscience (Rom.13:5) 6. Secular - i.e., separate from religion (Matt.22:21; 1Cor.5:12,1...


Divine judgment has two aspects: 1. Temporal Judgment (Related to execution of judgment in this world) (Lev.10:1,2; Acts 28:4) 2. Eternal Judgment (Related to execution of judgment on the Last Day) (Rev.20:12; Rom.14:10; 2Cor.5:10) Judgment grants either Rewards or Punishment (Psa.58:10,11; Isa.40:10; Matt.16:27; 1Cor.3:14; 2Thess.1:8-9). Final Judgment All moral beings will be brought to judgment before God in the Last Day of the world. Jesus gave the signs that precede the coming of this Last Day. They are: an increase of apostasy, of false prophets, the coming of the anti-Christ who will persecute the people of God and politically control the world, wars, earthquakes, famines, growing crime rates, rise of cults, and signs in outer space among many things (Matt. 24). After these things, the Son of God will appear in the sky with His mighty angels (2Thess.1:7). He will appear this second time for the salvation of His people and the judgment of the world (Heb.9:28). The dead in Christ ...


The English word “church” comes from the Greek Kyriakon meaning “of the Lord”. The term used in the New Testament, however, is ekklesia (formed of ek , “out”, and kaleo , “called”), meaning the “called out”. Peter refers to the church as not a building made up of bricks or stones, not as a place or a physical structure, but as a people who are “called out” of darkness into God’s marvelous light.  The church is the community of the disciples of the Lord Jesus Christ.  She is also known as the Lamb’s wife (Rev. 21:9; Eph. 5:25-27; Rev. 19:7), the body of Christ (1Cor.12:27), and the temple of God (1Pet.2:5,6; Eph.2:21,22; 1Cor.3:16,17). The church is the household of God, His family ; therefore, there must be unity, cooperation, edification, and productivity in it (Eph. 2:19; 1Cor.1:10; Jn.13:35; Gal.6:1,2).  The church is “built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the chief corner stone” (Eph.2:20). Therefore, apostolic doctrine and prophetical e...